Your Car’s Phone System Recording All Sounds In Your Vehicle While You Drive

Your car is lis­ten­ing to your every word and record­ing it in the man­u­fac­tur­ers per­ma­nent database It’s so excit­ing to pur­chase a new car and sync your smart device up to it so you can make calls while on the road. Near­ly every new car comes equipped with inte­grat­ed on-board com­put­ing to make your dri­ving […]

Why Constructivism and Direct Instruction will Damage Your Child’s Brain – Part 1

Sac­ri­lege! Direct Instruc­tion is bad??? By the end of this 3 part arti­cle I hope to explain what I mean by this before my home­school and char­ter school friends storm the cas­tle, though they do have some­thing to ponder. Back­ground: What Moti­vates Us I recent­ly lis­tened to a book on tape called “Dri­ve,” by Daniel Pink. […]