Dear Huntington Beach City Council,
RE: General Plan Update
Dear sirs,
It has recently come to our attention that the General Plan update process currently underway may be severely compromised.
In March a number of us attended the “Visioning”meeting at the main library and were surprised to see attendees openly arguing with anyone who disagreed with their views, attempting to stifle debate.
At the GP update meeting on June 4th the consultant leading the meeting was Tammy Seale, it was revealed the next day that she is the Global Warming specialist for the consultant firm PMC and that HB has paid them nearly $2 million dollars to perform our general plan. The day after this information was made public Ms. Seale deleted her social media stream and PMC has cleansed its website of pertinent employee and update data.
PMC is a specialist in implementing “Sustainable Development” plans or CAPs (Climate Action Plans). Sustainable Development is centered on the failed theory of global warming and advances the belief that humans must cease driving cars, move out of the suburbs into high-density housing and consume less “resources”. Since the planet has not warmed one degree for 18 years we think any plans that include global warming, climate change or any other environmentalist fantasy do the public an actionable disservice.
The HB Planning Department has been asked in public multiple times :
To define “Sustainable Development”
Why HB has 14 elements in our General Plan, a doubling of the CA minimum mandated 7.
For all data regarding the 600 General Plan survey respondents to verify their veracity and origin.
What penalties, if any, that HB will incur if we do not follow the State’s and the County’s Sustainable Development plans to the letter.
The Planning Dept. has thus far refused to answer to these questions. If they cannot define Sustainable Development why are they actively implementing it in Huntington Beach? We formally request and expect these answers in one week from the date of this letter.
At the September 2nd Council study session we urge the HB City Council to press the Planning Dept. on these questions, demand answers and immediately make them public.
In our research we have found that HB’s GP update process is dovetailing perfectly with other cities that are attempting to implement Climate Action Plans (CAPs) under the guise of a general plan update, these plans have the following particulars:
A General Plan process that claims to ask for public input but in reality manufactures false consensus behind closed doors.
A well-paid consultant that is focused on global warming.
A process that is actively hidden from the public. (Little or no public notice for meetings, no videotaping of meetings for the public)
A bias towards high-density development, public transportation, incentivizing citizens to give up their cars, biking and walking streets (Complete Streets), conservation and Global Warming awareness and remediation.
A City that works in collusion with local, unelected bureaucracies like SCAG, CARB and OCCOG to integrate their rules that no HB citizen has the opportunity to review or vote on.
As a result we request the City of HB do the following immediately:
Halt the General Plan process.
Fire PMC.
Have televised meetings w/citizen groups and the Planning Dept. to revamp the GP process and grow public awareness with the goal of finding the real citizen consensus regarding the next 25 year plan.
We look forward to the forthcoming clarification and changes to the very important General Plan update.
Yours truly,
Michael Hoskinson
HB Against High Density
PS Polling on the local forums (all HB residents) is running around 75–4 against high-density.
CC: OC Register, HB Independent, OC Weekly, Voice of OC, Chris Epting, Huntington Beach Community Forum, Take Back HB Forum.