The Global Strategy

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World at night

World at night

Each point of light on that map rep­re­sents a pop­u­la­tion cen­ter. For glob­al­ists, man­age­ment of globe is sim­ply an engi­neer­ing prob­lem. Nation-states, bor­ders, his­to­ry, cul­ture are all incon­ve­niences to the effi­cient (and prof­itable) oper­a­tion of the planet.

When glob­al cen­tral plan­ners look at that map, they are look­ing at the require­ments to con­nect the points of light for the pur­pos­es of dis­tri­b­u­tion and dis­sem­i­na­tion — dis­tri­b­u­tion of sup­plies and dis­sem­i­na­tion of information.

The plan is for each point of light to be a glob­al sup­ply and dis­tri­b­u­tion point — a glob­al hub — log­i­cal islands of com­merce. If a town isn’t big enough to be a point of light, then they aren’t big enough to sur­vive. The plan is for the ‘units of pro­duc­tion’ to be moved out of those areas to the glob­al hubs and for the vacat­ed land to be re-wild­ed. If there is any val­ue to the land in terms of resources, then the objec­tive is to trans­fer those resources to a glob­al pro­duc­er (cor­po­ra­tion). The glob­al pro­duc­ers are “sup­ply­ing the world” so all resources must go to them. There will be recre­ation areas for the glob­al­ists and I say for the glob­al­ists because the only peo­ple who will be able to vaca­tion will be the rel­a­tive­ly few peo­ple who are at or near the top of the man­age­ment sys­tems for the plan­et. Every­body else — the major­i­ty of the world’s pop­u­la­tion will sim­ply be “work­ers” — slaves to the glob­al sys­tem. Sta­di­ums for pro­fes­sion­al sports with glad­i­a­tors for the enter­tain­ment of the workers.

The glob­al pro­duc­ers sell into a glob­al vir­tu­al mar­ket and the glob­al sup­pli­ers pur­chase from the glob­al vir­tu­al mar­ket. The word ‘mar­ket’ is a syn­onym for monop­oly but monop­oly isn’t used because the word mar­ket sounds so much more friend­ly. There are already some glob­al vir­tu­al mar­kets estab­lished — how many is not known but oil is one for sure.

At ground lev­el, the cities are being reor­ga­nized as trans­porta­tion hubs for the glob­al pro­duc­tion and sup­ply sys­tems. Busi­ness­es are being orga­nized into sup­ply chains with man­u­fac­tur­ing being com­pone­tized and dis­trib­uted — in effect, dis­trib­ut­ing jobs that pro­duce inter­change­able com­po­nents — shipped to assem­bly facil­i­ties and then shipped to the final dis­tri­b­u­tion point for sales. The dis­tri­b­u­tion of pro­duc­tion is also a mech­a­nism for dis­tri­b­u­tion of knowl­edge. It’s very clever in terms of absolute con­trol of the world of com­merce. It lim­its knowl­edge and as a result, it serves as a bar­ri­er on the abil­i­ty of a rival to rise.

The edu­ca­tion sys­tems are being redesigned as voca­tion­al edu­ca­tion for the most part to pro­vide the work­ers for the busi­ness­es in the glob­al hubs. A glob­al sys­tem of cer­ti­fi­ca­tion was defined to enable inter­change­able work­ers across the globe. In this sys­tem, work­ers become a com­mod­i­ty to be bought and sold in the glob­al mar­ket place. If Thai welders offer the low­est cost for a con­struc­tion job, they can be import­ed to per­form the work. If Chi­nese car­pen­ters offer the low­est cost for a job, they can be import­ed to per­form the work. In the glob­al sys­tem, there are no peo­ple, no bor­ders, no nation­al­i­ties. There are just fac­tors of production.

How do I know all of this from my office in my house in a small town in Ida­ho from which I rarely leave? It’s because the glob­al engi­neers are design­ing from a point of log­ic with the objec­tive being to max­i­mize effi­cien­cy. Across time, space, per­son­al­i­ty and dis­ci­pline — log­ic per­sists pro­vid­ing a roadmap for any­body with enough curios­i­ty and tenac­i­ty to follow.


P.S. A friend just sent this link to me. This is good… cre­ate a con­test for the best ideas for their own ulti­mate enslave­ment. The glob­al strate­gists real­ly are brilliant.