Obama Has Begun to Systematically Depopulate and Deindustrialize the Suburbs

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Dave Hodges, The Common Sense ShowIf you live in the sub­urbs, you might be wise to advise your chil­dren on how to live, work and sur­vive in America’s inner cities because that is where they are like­ly to be liv­ing in the near future in a War­saw ghet­to type of scenario.

The mass migra­tion from the sub­urbs back into dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed urban areas is not a next week thing, or a next month thing or even next year propo­si­tion, but the ground­work is hap­pen­ing right now. If you are not a Baby Boomer, you will not like­ly be retir­ing in the suburbs.

In Part One of this series, I detailed how the Chi­nese are forcibly relo­cat­ing one mil­lion Chi­nese per month to the mega-cities that have been dubbed the “ghost cities”.

Chinese ghost city

Chi­nese ghost city

Oba­ma will not rest until he has removed every man, woman and child from sub­ur­ban areas in the Unit­ed States.


Oba­ma’s Front Man for Sub­ur­ban Depopulation

The real brains behind the com­ing Agen­da 21-inspired mass migra­tion from the sub­urbs to the inner cities is Mike Krulig and his new group of com­mu­ni­ty advis­ers, Build­ing One Amer­i­ca. Most of you have nev­er heard of Krulig or Build­ing One Amer­i­ca and there is a good rea­son for their anonymi­ty. If a major­i­ty of the Amer­i­can peo­ple ever dis­cov­ered Krulig’s true inten­tions for sub­ur­ban dwelling Amer­i­cans, they would chase him down the street and string him and his peo­ple up from the near­est light poles.

Obama with Krulig in the White House

Oba­ma with Krulig in the White House

The secre­tive agen­da of Build­ing One Amer­i­ca has been most­ly achieved by Obama’s appoint­ment of like-mind­ed com­mu­ni­ty activists to his staff. In fact, Krulig was one of Obama’s orig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ing men­tors from the President’s Chica­go South­side days. The word stealth applies because of a damn­ing pho­to depict­ing Krulig and Oba­ma meet­ing at the White­house in 2011 and it was sub­se­quent­ly pub­lished on the Build­ing One Amer­i­ca web­site (Pho­to left). How­ev­er, this type of pub­lic­i­ty would not have been good for the swing vot­ers liv­ing in America’s sub­urbs in the 2012 elec­tion. Obama’s peo­ple had the video scrubbed as well as the search engine links. How­ev­er, the Bre­it­bart peo­ple retained a copy of the pic­ture. This begs the ques­tion, if the Build­ing One Amer­i­ca plan is so good for Amer­i­ca, then why would the Oba­ma peo­ple con­ceal his affil­i­a­tion with Krulig and his group of Agen­da 21 social engineers?

Kruglik’s Agen­da 21 Build­ing One Amer­i­ca group pro­pos­es the cre­ation of a region­al tax-base shar­ing rev­enues in which sub­ur­ban tax mon­ey is direct­ly redis­trib­uted to near­by cities and eco­nom­i­cal­ly depressed con­cen­tric zones of inner-ring sub­urbs. Build­ing One Amer­i­ca also seeks to move the poor out of cities by impos­ing manda­to­ry low-income-hous­ing quo­tas for mid­dle-class sub­ur­ban devel­op­ments. Here are the plans of the Build­ing One Amer­i­ca pro­po­nents (e.g. Senior White House advis­er Valerie Jarrett). 

Krulig’s group also seeks to export the con­tro­ver­sial region­al tax-base shar­ing scheme cur­rent­ly in place in the Minneapolis–St. Paul area to the rest of the coun­try. Under this pro­gram, a por­tion of sub­ur­ban tax mon­ey flows into a com­mon region­al pot, which is then effec­tive­ly redis­trib­uted to urban, and a few less well-off “inner-ring” sub­ur­ban, munic­i­pal­i­ties. The Min­neapo­lis-St. Paul area region­al gov­ern­ment is run by unelect­ed and unac­count­able bureau­crats (i.e. Com­mis­sars) who are out of con­trol. It is crit­i­cal to know that remov­ing the elec­tion process from this Agen­da 21, wealth redis­tri­b­u­tion endeav­or was delib­er­ate for rea­sons that will become obvi­ous, as the read­er will discover.

Don’t Get Too Attached To Your CarVMT

                     The VMT will get America out of their cars and into the inner city.

Kruglik’s group also favors a vari­ety of poli­cies designed to force peo­ple out of their cars and force sub­ur­ban­ites, robbed of their own tax mon­ey, to relo­cate into dense­ly pop­u­lat­ed stack and pack cities.

Among Kruglick’s strate­gies to sep­a­rate peo­ple from their cars is the Vehi­cle Mileage Tax (VMT). Road pric­ing for the VMT would be imple­ment­ed to force dri­vers out their cars. This will impact all dri­vers except for the Oba­ma inspired exemp­tion of low income drivers.

The VMT is designed to give favored sta­tus to cer­tain groups. These groups rep­re­sent orga­ni­za­tions that want to trans­fer wealth through the heavy hand of region­al gov­ern­ment inter­fer­ing in the hous­ing, trans­porta­tion and land use mar­ket place.

One Bay Area is San Francisco’s ver­sion of Build­ing One America.

One Bay Area is San Francisco’s version of Building One America.

One Bay Area is San Francisco’s ver­sion of Build­ing One America.

This tyran­ny is also being beta test­ed in the (San Fran­cis­co) Bay area in a project enti­tled One Bay Area Plan. One Bay Area Plan is a 25 year plan which com­bines hous­ing, trans­porta­tion, and Agen­da 21 land use poli­cies. The pub­lic cov­er sto­ry is that the project is designed to save the plan­et by reduc­ing Green House Gasses. The gen­er­at­ed rev­enue, esti­mat­ed at $15 mil­lion per day, would be used to fund fur­ther Agen­da 21 trans­porta­tion schemes such as bus­es, trol­lies and light rail in which only a few peo­ple present­ly ride. And speak­ing of light rail, I live in Ari­zona. Ari­zona has the worst fund­ed schools, men­tal health and med­ical care sys­tem in the coun­try. Yet, that has not stopped the politi­cians from spend­ing almost $2 bil­lion dol­lars to build a light rail sys­tem in down­town Phoenix which only encom­pass­es a few miles of usable track in either direc­tion from down­town. And to make bad mat­ters worse, Ari­zona has approved build­ing an even more expen­sive light rail sys­tem which will con­nect Phoenix with Tuc­son and this sys­tem will even­tu­al­ly expand to San Diego and Albuquerque.

Your future home, the micro-apartment.

Your future home, the micro-apartment.

Your future home, the micro-apartment.

Don’t pack too much, your future living quarters are being downsized.

Don’t pack too much, your future liv­ing quar­ters are being downsized.

This plan also calls for Upzon­ing which would expand the plan to even more areas in the Bay. This would mean even more require­ments for high den­si­ty hous­ing in cities that do not have their “fair share” of low income peo­ple. This will result in more 200 square foot apart­ments being con­struct­ed near pub­lic tran­sit lines. It should be not­ed that May­or Bloomberg is doing some­thing very sim­i­lar in New York City in which the con­struc­tion of any new apart­ment unit over 500 square feet is being for­bid­den in select neighborhoods.

This Bay Area Agen­da 21 plan also con­tains a con­cept referred to as the Com­mu­ni­ties of Con­cern (i.e. low income and com­mu­ni­ties of col­or) would receive funds from these wind­fall prof­its that the region would receive. It appears to many as if Oba­ma is try­ing to pro­voke a race war. Addi­tion­al­ly, devel­op­ment fees would be elim­i­nat­ed for afford­able hous­ing devel­op­ments, while sub­si­dies would be used for favored activ­i­ties such as the cre­ation of more micro apart­ments and the con­struc­tion of low income hous­ing in the suburbs.

Man­hat­taniz­ing America”

The Agen­da 21 pro­po­nents are so brazen that the exis­tence of this scheme has even become part of the main­stream news. The fol­low­ing video con­tains a Fox News report on the very urban man­age­ment prin­ci­ples described in the pre­vi­ous paragraphs.


On one hand, at least Amer­i­cans are not expe­ri­enc­ing forced relo­ca­tion to the “stack and packs” as we see Chi­na doing. Yet, Obama’s Build­ing One America’s tax plans are begin­ning to have a sim­i­lar effect.

Despite the omnipresent evi­dence that fed­er­al relo­ca­tion tax poli­cies are in place and spread­ing across the coun­try, most peo­ple mis­tak­en­ly believe that the real­i­ty of the megac­i­ties con­cept in which we are all herd­ed into the stack and pack cities is decades down the road. On the con­trary, as you have seen, the pro­gram is being beta test­ed in two large met­ro­pol­i­tan areas and many of Build­ing One America’s col­lec­tivist city man­age­ment prin­ci­ples are present­ly being imple­ment­ed right beneath our noses. As long as Amer­i­cans pay their tax­es and abide by some rea­son­able com­mu­ni­ty stan­dards, shouldn’t we all be free to live where we choose? Most rea­son­able peo­ple would answer yes; we should be free to choose where we live. How­ev­er, this is not in the Oba­ma agen­da. As will be revealed in sub­se­quent parts of this series, Oba­ma was made Pres­i­dent to ush­er in cap and trade and the dein­dus­tri­al­iza­tion of the Unit­ed States. Amer­i­ca is tru­ly learn­ing the mean­ing of fun­da­men­tal­ly trans­form­ing Amer­i­ca and unless we are able to wake up our fel­low cit­i­zens, things are about to get a whole lot worse.

There is a much more to this dire and unfold­ing sce­nario. It is becom­ing clear that the glob­al­ists are plan­ning to dra­mat­i­cal­ly and rapid­ly depop­u­late an entire region of the coun­try which will impact tens of mil­lions of peo­ple. The depop­u­la­tion of the bread­bas­ket of Amer­i­ca, the rur­al areas, is well under way and that is the top­ic of the next part in this series.