Mom Expresses Shock Seeing Pornographic Content in School Text Book

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Once again, par­ents who hand over their chil­dren to state indoc­tri­na­tion cen­ters, aka Pub­lic Schools, are shocked at what they find god­less edu­ca­tion sys­tems are putting in front of their kids. Latonya Steven­son came across graph­ics in her child’s text­book that she called “very pornographic.”

The book I’m ref­er­enc­ing is called Your Health Today, which is near­ly 400 pages long. Not only does it describe how to buy con­doms, but it also describes orgasms, vibra­tors and bondage, some­thing that they could eas­i­ly learn upon enter­ing their local Planned Par­ent­hood facility.

Some­thing tied close­ly to the things described is binge drink­ing, which is also men­tioned in the book.

Our high-school stu­dents today need all the tools they can have to arm them­selves to make the best- informed deci­sion,” said school dis­trict Board Pres­i­dent Lara Calvert-York.

Keep in mind that the book was cho­sen unan­i­mous­ly by the teach­ers of this district’s children.

Mrs. Steven­son exclaimed, “It’s a bit much for me, I’m not com­fort­able with my child – I mean, wow, that’s, the graph­ics are extreme – oh my gosh. They are very porno­graph­ic. The pic­tures are very explicit.”

A senior at Kennedy High School, Judy Le, said, “”I don’t think we real­ly need to know about that at this age. I feel like it’s more of like, adults.”

Good for Judy! These aren’t things that adults should be hav­ing to deal with in their children’s edu­ca­tion, let alone being con­front­ed with it in real life.

Those anato­my pieces of health edu­ca­tion are required to be taught. It’s part of stu­dents’ learn­ing about their bod­ies,” said Fre­mont Uni­fied School Dis­trict super­in­ten­dent Jim Morris.

Sopho­more, Nicholas Loya, said, “Know­ing high school­ers, they’re prob­a­bly going to find out any­way, so it’s bet­ter to know from a respon­si­ble adult.”

Yes, young peo­ple are going to find out about sex­u­al inter­course and their bod­ies, but shouldn’t they be learn­ing that from their par­ents? Shouldn’t they be learn­ing a more bib­li­cal approach of absti­nence and sav­ing them­selves for their mar­riage part­ner? I know that is what I com­mu­ni­cate to my children.

This is noth­ing more than open­ing up Pandora’s Box to young, impres­sion­able minds to sex­u­al immorality.

Asfia Ahmed, the moth­er of an up and com­ing 9th grad­er said, that the book is too graph­ic, but went a step fur­ther and actu­al­ly wrote the author, who told her the book was tar­get­ed to col­lege freshmen.

So far, near­ly 1,800 stu­dent have signed an online peti­tion to have the book removed. Good for them! Where the adults will not lead, the young peo­ple are. I encour­age every­one to join these young peo­ple in push­ing back against those who seek to steal their inno­cence and push them into the depraved think­ing that our cul­ture is attempt­ing to drop them in. There is also an option for par­ents to opt out of the class if it “con­flicts” with their “reli­gious train­ing and beliefs.”

This, to me, seems to be the easy way out. Par­ents, these are your chil­dren, not the state’s. Not only should you opt out of the class, you should remove your chil­dren from the state indoc­tri­na­tion cen­ters and edu­cate them your­selves. God gave them to you, after all, not the state (Deut. 6). And if you are fear­ful of edu­cat­ing them your­self, don’t be, just remem­ber, all that is required is for you to learn and then pass that on to your kids. There is an excel­lent free cur­ricu­lum for K‑5th grade avail­able here to get you started.

Why fight the sys­tem when you can cir­cum­vent it by sim­ply being the par­ent God wants you to be and edu­cat­ing your chil­dren at home? In this way, you will be actu­al­ly under­min­ing the sys­tem and edu­cat­ing your chil­dren with the val­ues you hold dear, not the per­ver­sions of the ene­mies of God.