Weather Channel Founder on Climate Change: It’s “a Fictional, Manufactured Crisis”

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Do you think that the founder of The Weath­er Chan­nels might be an author­i­ty worth lis­ten­ing to when it comes to glob­al warm­ing? It would cer­tain­ly seem to rea­son that a man who made a career out of study­ing the weath­er might be more of an author­i­ty than glob­al­ist Al Gore.

NextNews­Net­work pub­lished an inter­view with John Cole­man, founder and CEO of the Weath­er Chan­nel, back in March. I bumped into this yes­ter­day while read­ing The Dai­ly Sheeple and had to share it.

Sci­ence” is all over on this debate. Glob­al warm­ing has been large­ly debunked so now we have those talk­ing about glob­al cool­ing or the catch all “cli­mate change.” Nev­er­the­less, there are many who won’t give up the lie about glob­al warming.

Below is the descrip­tion and video from NNN fea­tur­ing John Coleman.

Is Glob­al Warm­ing real­ly hap­pen­ing? There are many voic­es in oppo­si­tion to the the­o­ry and our guest today is just one of those. His name is John Cole­man, who was the orig­i­nal weath­er cast­er on “Good Morn­ing, Amer­i­ca.” After that Cole­man found­ed and served as CEO and Pres­i­dent of the Weath­er Channel.

In 2007, Cole­man began to speak out as a skep­tic on the issue of glob­al warm­ing. He describes the wave of con­cern about glob­al warm­ing “a fic­tion­al, man­u­fac­tured crisis.”

He believes many sci­en­tists and politi­cians have engaged in fraud­u­lent activ­i­ty based on bad sci­ence in a con­tin­u­ing quest for fund­ing. He also explains the one-world gov­ern­ment motive behind the for­ma­tion of the Unit­ed Nations Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Pan­el on Cli­mate Change.