Agenda 21: Home Sweet Home in Freight Shipping Containers

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While the world is siz­zling and per­co­lat­ing in con­flicts and wars, and U.S. is roil­ing in man­u­fac­tured cri­sis after cri­sis, real or imag­ined emer­gen­cies, over­whelmed by the con­stant inva­sion of ille­gal immi­grants, The Wash­ing­ton Post writes on the front page, “Think­ing inside the box on D.C. hous­ing costs,” liv­ing in repur­posed dinged freight ship­ping con­tain­ers. Two days before, Deb­o­rah K. Dietsch fea­tured “Think­ing big in a small way.” (Michael Laris, July 21, 2014)

This junior one bedroom at the Harper Apartments on 14th Street is 430 square feet. (Katherine Frey/The Washington Post)

This junior one bed­room at the Harp­er Apart­ments on 14th Street is 430 square feet. (Kather­ine Frey/The Wash­ing­ton Post)

It is under­stand­able how a dam­aged ship­ping con­tain­er may be an appeal­ing sub­sti­tute for shel­ter to a broke stu­dent, a home­less per­son, or a third world shan­ty-town dweller, but Amer­i­cans have plen­ty of hous­ing space and resources to shel­ter its citizens.

We are so well-off that we even house gen­er­ous­ly peo­ple who break our laws every day when cross­ing our no-longer-enforced bor­der. Why force Amer­i­cans into tight and ridicu­lous spaces when we have so much land? Envi­ron­men­tal­ists are afraid that we are destroy­ing the plan­et with our very exis­tence. If they crowd all human­i­ty into as tight and dense urban areas as pos­si­ble, ani­mals can roam free and land can be rewil­d­ed and reclaimed for the crea­tures we dis­placed with our civ­i­liza­tion, roads, and unde­served mobility.

These tiny spaces are expen­sive but they give the occu­pants a false sense of sav­ing mon­ey and the plan­et by not using a car, walk­ing or bik­ing every­where, just like the zon­ing envi­ron­men­tal­ists have been push­ing for a while now, high den­si­ty, and high rise liv­ing, five min­utes from work, school, shop­ping, and play while the metro is near­by. Absolute heav­en if you want to live like a rat in an 8‑by-40-foot box! Who would not enjoy liv­ing in “lov­ing­ly repur­posed steel husks” that have been pre­vi­ous­ly “slosh­ing across oceans on mam­moth con­tain­er ships?”

A demol­ished stu­dent house will be the loca­tion in D.C. of 18 ship­ping con­tain­ers to make “eye catch­ing” rentals. Cit­ing Ayn Rand’s nov­el, “The Foun­tain­head,” the own­ers are com­pared to the rebel­lious archi­tect in the nov­el who fights against “evil” conformists.

After con­tain­er doors are replaced by win­dows and mir­rored wardrobe in each container/bedroom, the res­i­dents no longer feel con­fined and claus­tro­pho­bic. Cut steel pan­els will make room for the kitchen and liv­ing room when the con­tain­ers are joined. The con­tain­ers cost $2,000 but the rent price is not divulged. The project is slat­ed to be com­plet­ed by August.

The builders dream to “float hun­dreds of sea con­tain­er apart­ments on a barge in the Potomac and cre­at­ing a home­less vil­lage on the riv­er to serve George­town.” The zon­ing offi­cials are skep­ti­cal, they must see if “code will allow them.” But zon­ing codes can be changed to accom­mo­date envi­ron­men­tal­ist agenda.

Rent­ing micro-dwellings in the 144-unit build­ing called Harp­er for $2,500 a month for a one-bed­room, 400 square foot apart­ment and a park­ing space enticed many. Because it is so small, res­i­dents would want to go out, to get rid of claus­tro­pho­bia. “This loca­tion could­n’t be more per­fect for the social­iz­ing lifestyle,” says Leah Wald. Rent­ing the aver­age 375 square foot hotel room by the day can cost you about the same and the maid is free.

The micro-units are adver­tised under dif­fer­ent euphemisms, one-bed­room unit, junior one-bed­room apart­ment, com­pact liv­ing space, effi­cien­cy units, but the square footage is any­where from 350–400 square feet. A 600 square ft. stu­dio rents for $3,350 a month.

The nine-sto­ry, 218-unit called the Drake, will open in Sep­tem­ber. Lots of glass and ameni­ties such as oak floors, stain­less steel kitchens, and Bosch appli­ances are sup­posed to com­pen­sate for the lack of space. microunits071404948010

The Wharf apart­ments which are slat­ed to open in 2017 will have 501 micro-units, 171 will be 325–354 sq. ft., high­light­ing a Mur­phy bed, with a “built-in shelf for stor­age when the bed is stored ver­ti­cal­ly against the wall.” The kitchen on wheels can be used as a table or as a desk. “The units are designed like the inside of a boat.” It seems per­fect for any­body who hates clean­ing and does not mind liv­ing in a glam­or­ized jail cell.

More micro-dwelling units are going up in D.C., Lath­am Hotel (2016), Pat­ter­son Man­sion (2016), Blag­den Alley build­ing (2016), and WeWork apart­ments in Crys­tal City (2015).

The 200 square ft. aPod­ments in Sam­mamish, Wash­ing­ton rent for $600–900 per month. There are no ele­va­tors and no park­ing spaces. Res­i­dent Judi Green, who rents a 10 by 10 ft. loft cubi­cle, must climb six flights of stairs, and “shares the kitchen with sev­en oth­er ten­ants on the sec­ond floor.” The micro-hous­ing units increase the pop­u­la­tion den­si­ty of the area greatly.

In coun­tries like Japan, where land is very scarce and expen­sive, tiny dwellings are pop­u­lar. It is not the case in the Unit­ed States where land is plen­ti­ful. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, mil­lions of acres of our land have been locked to human habi­ta­tion and set aside for conservation.

Across the coun­try, Sus­tain­able Urban­ism, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment, Equi­table Com­mu­ni­ties are gov­ern­ment plans to change the coun­ties’ desired low den­si­ty char­ac­ter and scale to high-den­si­ty crime-rid­den slums. Social engi­neer­ing is being imposed on entire neighborhoods.

Alley pods are placed between town­hous­es and in sub­urbs micro-res­i­den­tial units are built between sin­gle fam­i­ly homes, destroy­ing their prop­er­ty val­ues. These peo­ple have worked their entire lives to buy a sin­gle fam­i­ly home.

The Depart­ment of Hous­ing and Urban Devel­op­ment (HUD) will dis­man­tle local zon­ing and force peo­ple to move into cer­tain areas in order to achieve what they con­sid­er “racial, eco­nom­ic, and eth­nic diver­si­ty.” Mul­ti­ple ille­gal immi­grant fam­i­lies pur­chase or rent one sin­gle home cre­at­ing a third world night­mare for the sin­gle fam­i­ly neigh­bors who must live next door.

Nation­al­iz­ing neigh­bor­hoods” on a grand scale is done for “our own good and to achieve utopia.” By oblit­er­at­ing zon­ing reg­u­la­tions, we will have neigh­bor­hoods by gov­ern­ment fiat quo­ta. (Rush Lim­baugh mono­logue, Sep­tem­ber 12, 2013)

Rush Lim­baugh point­ed out that “HUD’s pow­er grab is based on the mis­tak­en belief that zon­ing and dis­crim­i­na­tion are the same, zon­ing is dis­guised dis­crim­i­na­tion.” Intro­duc­ing 200 square ft. pods between sin­gle fam­i­ly homes is “social justice.”

The pro­gres­sives’ social engi­neer­ing projects imple­ment­ed around the world are not aimed at just destroy­ing nation­al sov­er­eign­ty, lan­guage, and cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty. They are now engaged in a mas­sive replace­ment of rur­al areas and “sub­ur­ban sprawl” with high den­si­ty, high rise urban dwellings in the name of green envi­ron­men­tal­ism, sav­ing the plan­et from the destruc­tion of man­u­fac­tured man-made glob­al warming/climate change.