In Historic Blow to Climate Hysteria, Australia Kills Carbon Tax

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Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott

With final approval of the Sen­ate on July 17, Aus­tralia offi­cial­ly became the first devel­oped nation to repeal its deeply con­tro­ver­sial tax on emis­sions of car­bon diox­ide, deal­ing a major set­back to pro­po­nents of increas­ing­ly dis­cred­it­ed man-made “glob­al warm­ing” the­o­ries. Cli­mate real­ists world­wide cel­e­brat­ed the his­toric devel­op­ment, while enraged glob­al-warm­ing the­o­rists furi­ous­ly lashed out at Aus­tralian law­mak­ers. Ana­lysts also not­ed that the repeal, shep­herd­ed through by con­ser­v­a­tive Prime Min­is­ter Tony Abbott, could be a fore­shad­ow­ing of much big­ger prob­lems for the wide­ly crit­i­cized Unit­ed Nations anti-CO2 crusade.

Of course, the new Aus­tralian leader actu­al­ly rose to pow­er in a land­slide last year by promis­ing the pub­lic that he would repeal the econ­o­my-crush­ing tax on CO2 emis­sions. Despite oppo­si­tion from cli­mate alarmists in the Labour Par­ty and oth­er small­er par­ties — extreme Greens Par­ty boss Chris­tine Milne even claimed Aus­tralia would become a “glob­al pari­ah” — Abbott was final­ly able to ful­fill what ana­lysts said was his most impor­tant cam­paign pledge. Because his con­ser­v­a­tive-lean­ing Lib­er­al Par­ty does not con­trol the Sen­ate, how­ev­er, the Aus­tralian prime min­is­ter relied on sup­port of oth­er par­ties to secure the his­toric 39 to 32 victory.

The tax on CO2 emis­sions was orig­i­nal­ly adopt­ed by the Labour Par­ty-led gov­ern­ment in 2011, which broke its promise not to impose it. After the scheme sparked soar­ing costs of liv­ing and record busi­ness fail­ures, the Aus­tralian pub­lic turned over­whelm­ing­ly against it, with Abbott offer­ing a “pledge in blood” to kill the tax. Those promis­es led his par­ty to a mas­sive vic­to­ry in last year’s leg­isla­tive elec­tions. How­ev­er, because the Sen­ate was not under con­ser­v­a­tive con­trol, two pre­vi­ous efforts since then to ax the tax had failed. On July 17, though, with sup­port from three sen­a­tors in busi­ness­man Clive Palmer’s par­ty, Abbott suc­ceed­ed in push­ing the mea­sure through fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful vote in the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives last week.

Today the tax that you vot­ed to get rid of is final­ly gone; a use­less destruc­tive tax which dam­aged jobs, which hurt fam­i­lies’ cost of liv­ing and which did­n’t actu­al­ly help the envi­ron­ment is final­ly gone,” declared Abbott in a news con­fer­ence after the his­toric Sen­ate vote, draw­ing praise from across Aus­tralia and around the world. Call­ing the car­bon scheme a “9 per­cent impost on pow­er prices, a $9 bil­lion hand­brake on our econ­o­my,” the prime min­is­ter esti­mat­ed that the repeal would save Aus­tralian vot­ers and busi­ness­es more than $8 bil­lion per year. That works out to over $500 for the aver­age house­hold, he added.

If the tax had not been killed, it was set to increase dra­mat­i­cal­ly, deal­ing anoth­er major blow to embat­tled con­sumers and the econ­o­my. In 2015, the anti-car­bon plot was even sup­posed to become a full-fledged cap-and-trade regime, where “per­mits” to emit CO2 could be bought and sold in a “car­bon mar­ket.” How­ev­er, the entire idea behind the plot is becom­ing increas­ing­ly con­tro­ver­sial even among cli­mate alarmists — espe­cial­ly as hor­ri­fy­ing atroc­i­ties against poor peo­ple across Africa and Latin Amer­i­ca linked to UN and World Bank “car­bon off­set” schemes began mak­ing head­lines in recent years.

At the glob­al lev­el, Aus­tralian author­i­ties under Abbott’s lead­er­ship have also bucked the UN and its sought-after car­bon regime, too. Last year, Can­ber­ra, the cap­i­tal of Aus­tralia, even declared that the nation would not accept any more UN “social­ism mas­querad­ing as envi­ron­men­tal­ism.” That means, among oth­er mea­sures: no more fund­ing for inter­na­tion­al cli­mate hys­te­ria and no more tax­es sup­pos­ed­ly aimed at con­trol­ling alleged “glob­al warm­ing,” offi­cials said. Aus­tralian lead­ers also vowed not to accept any more plan­e­tary “agree­ments” or wealth-redis­tri­b­u­tion schemes, though some offi­cials are report­ed­ly wavering.

Oppo­si­tion law­mak­ers were out­raged by the deci­sion to rein in the tax­pay­er-fund­ed cli­mate hys­te­ria and the dev­as­tat­ing poli­cies it spawned. Some even essen­tial­ly claimed that the sky would fall. “This is a fun­da­men­tal moment in Aus­trali­a’s his­to­ry,” Labour Par­ty Sen­a­tor Lisa Singh warned ahead of the vote. “We are about to dev­as­tate the future of this coun­try.” It was not imme­di­ate­ly clear how remov­ing a tax on what sci­en­tists call the “gas of life” would “dev­as­tate” the country.

In fact, even if the man-made glob­al-warm­ing the­o­ries were ground­ed in real­i­ty, human emis­sions of CO2 rep­re­sent a frac­tion of one per­cent of all green­house gas­es present nat­u­ral­ly in the atmos­phere — and Australia’s con­tri­bu­tion to that is neg­li­gi­ble at best at about one percent.

But in truth, the warm­ing claims are dubi­ous at best; 73 out of 73 UN “cli­mate mod­els” fore­cast­ing warm­ing as CO2 increased have been proven embar­rass­ing­ly incor­rect by the observ­able evi­dence: No rise in glob­al tem­per­a­tures for 18 years and count­ing, record lev­els of sea ice, and much more. Vir­tu­al­ly every alarmist pre­dic­tion that could be dis­proven has been.

Nonethe­less, tax­pay­er- and crony-cap­i­tal­ist fund­ed glob­al warmists whose jobs depend on keep­ing the hys­te­ria alive were furi­ous. “We are tak­ing a mon­u­men­tal­ly reck­less back­ward leap even as oth­er coun­tries are step­ping up to cli­mate action,” Cli­mate Insti­tute boss John Con­nor claimed in an inter­view with the New York Times. “Australia’s econ­o­my is much more car­bon-inten­sive than the U.S. econ­o­my.” Oth­er alarmists made sim­i­lar claims.

The emerg­ing super-state regime in Brus­sels rul­ing over the for­mer­ly sov­er­eign nations of Europe also expressed its dis­plea­sure. “The Euro­pean Union regrets the repeal of Aus­trali­a’s car­bon pric­ing mech­a­nism just as new car­bon pric­ing ini­tia­tives are emerg­ing all around the world,” com­plained EU “cli­mate” czar Con­nie Hede­gaard in a state­ment. “The EU is con­vinced that pric­ing car­bon is not only the most cost-effec­tive way to reduce emis­sions, but also the tool to make the eco­nom­ic par­a­digm shift the world needs.”

Anoth­er UN would-be cli­mate con­troller Chris­tiana Figueres has pre­vi­ous­ly lashed out at self-gov­ern­ment in the Unit­ed States for pre­vent­ing what she claims to view as urgent mea­sures to con­trol alleged “glob­al warm­ing.” Instead, she praised the bru­tal Com­mu­nist Chi­nese regime’s sys­tem, which she said was “doing it right.” Of course, Chi­na is among the most pol­lut­ed nations on Earth — real pol­lu­tion, not CO2, which is exhaled by humans and essen­tial to plant life — in addi­tion to being ruled by one of the most oppres­sive and mur­der­ous autoc­ra­cies in human history.

Out­side of extreme envi­ron­men­tal­ist groups and pow­er-hun­gry politi­cians, though, cit­i­zens and indus­try in Aus­tralia were more than pleased with the death of the car­bon tax. “Today’s repeal of the car­bon pric­ing mech­a­nism is sig­nif­i­cant as it removes a cost fac­ing Aus­tralian LNG (liq­ue­fied nat­ur­al gas) exporters com­pet­ing in glob­al mar­kets; one that does not exist for our inter­na­tion­al com­peti­tors,” explained David Byers, chief of the Aus­tralian Petro­le­um Pro­duc­tion & Explo­ration Asso­ci­a­tion. Min­ing inter­ests, small busi­ness, gro­cers, and more also cel­e­brat­ed the repeal, say­ing it would help boost Australia’s econ­o­my and glob­al competitiveness.

While Aus­tralia moves to restore san­i­ty, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion has gone rad­i­cal­ly in the oth­er direc­tion. When a Demo­c­rat-con­trolled Con­gress refused to impose an uncon­sti­tu­tion­al, econ­o­my-crush­ing car­bon regime on the Unit­ed States, the exec­u­tive branch sim­ply imposed one by decree through the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency. Top Oba­ma offi­cials have claimed that there is “zero” chance of Con­gress being able to stop it, but state gov­ern­ments and U.S. law­mak­ers are already fight­ing back against the plot.

Around the world, Cana­da and Japan have also both attract­ed the ire of what crit­ics refer to as the “cli­mate cult” for refus­ing to coop­er­ate ful­ly with UN car­bon schem­ing. In Europe, how­ev­er, the increas­ing­ly pow­er-hun­gry EU con­tin­ues to oper­ate an anti-CO2 regime. The UN, mean­while, is hop­ing to secure a dra­con­ian plan­e­tary car­bon regime at a glob­al-warm­ing sum­mit sched­uled for next year in Paris. How­ev­er, crit­ics and experts have warned that the pro­posed plot would be dev­as­tat­ing to human­i­ty — and espe­cial­ly the poor.

While the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion and the UN con­tin­ue hyp­ing their cli­mate the­o­ries, the sup­posed “sci­ence” under­pin­ning them has lit­er­al­ly melt­ed. All over the world, sci­en­tists are jump­ing off the alarmist band­wag­on, and now, it appears that gov­ern­ments are, too. Still, the UN has expressed con­fi­dence in secur­ing a glob­al cli­mate regime to shack­le human­i­ty with next year. Amer­i­cans who believe in real sci­ence, nation­al sov­er­eign­ty, free mar­kets, and lib­er­ty must redou­ble their efforts to stop it.