Rasmussen: Common Core Support Plummets Among Parents with School-Age Children

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A new Ras­mussen poll finds that sup­port for the Com­mon Core stan­dards among Amer­i­can par­ents with school-age chil­dren has dropped dramatically.

My Child Is Not Common

The tele­phone sur­vey of 1,000 adults con­duct­ed June 21–22 found that only 34 per­cent of Amer­i­can adults with chil­dren of ele­men­tary or sec­ondary school age now favor requir­ing all schools across the nation to meet the same Com­mon Core edu­ca­tion stan­dards, an out­come that Ras­mussen observes is an 18-point drop from 52 per­cent in ear­ly Novem­ber of last year.

Accord­ing to the sur­vey, 47 per­cent oppose the con­tro­ver­sial, nation­al­ized stan­dards, com­pared to 32 per­cent in the pri­or sur­vey. Of those polled, 19 per­cent were undecided.

The mar­gin of sam­pling error of the sur­vey is +/- 3 per­cent­age points with a 95 per­cent lev­el of confidence.

Jim Ster­gios, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Mass­a­chu­setts-based Pio­neer Insti­tute for Pub­lic Pol­i­cy Research, react­ed to the new poll.

Com­mon Core pro­po­nents always banked on stealth — on keep­ing par­ents from know­ing about the Core until it was too late,” Ster­gios told Bre­it­bart News. “When that did­n’t work, they paid for push polls to fab­ri­cate a sense of pop­u­lar support.”

What’s impor­tant about the Ras­mussen poll is it’s the first high-qual­i­ty poll done on the ques­tion of sup­port for Com­mon Core,” he added. “And what it tells us is unsur­pris­ing: The more peo­ple learn about the mediocre qual­i­ty, the unfund­ed man­dates and the ques­tion­able legal­i­ty of the Core, the less they like it.”