EDITORIAL: Strange priorities at the VA – Washington Times

The admin­is­tra­tors at the Vet­er­ans Admin­is­tra­tion have appar­ent­ly been busy while old sol­diers wait­ed to see a doc­tor, after all. Serv­ing those who served is not nec­es­sar­i­ly a pri­or­i­ty, but sav­ing the plan­et is Job 1. Solar pan­els and wind­mills can be more impor­tant than the touch of a heal­ing hand. The depart­ment ear­ly on set […]

Rasmussen: Common Core Support Plummets Among Parents with School-Age Children

A new Ras­mussen poll finds that sup­port for the Com­mon Core stan­dards among Amer­i­can par­ents with school-age chil­dren has dropped dramatically. The tele­phone sur­vey of 1,000 adults con­duct­ed June 21–22 found that only 34 per­cent of Amer­i­can adults with chil­dren of ele­men­tary or sec­ondary school age now favor requir­ing all schools across the nation to […]

Secret trade agreement covering 68 percent of world services published by WikiLeaks

The text of a 19-page, inter­na­tion­al trade agree­ment being draft­ed in secret was pub­lished by Wik­iLeaks on Thurs­day as the trans­paren­cy group’s edi­tor com­mem­o­rat­ed his two-year anniver­sary con­fined to the Ecuado­ri­an Embassy in London. Fifty coun­tries around the globe have already signed on to the Trade in Ser­vice Agree­ment, or TISA, includ­ing the Unit­ed States, […]