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Our chil­dren are being exploit­ed. This exploita­tion must be stopped. This time I am not speak­ing about Sta­cy Lynne or Moni­ka Wesolows­ki, both moth­ers, who have had their chil­dren ripped away from them in polit­i­cal retal­i­a­tion for their beliefs. In this arti­cle, I am not iden­ti­fy­ing the unimag­in­able hor­rors of CPS and the dev­as­ta­tion that they vis­it upon our nation’s fam­i­ly struc­ture. This time, I am talk­ing about an insti­tu­tion in which the major­i­ty of the peo­ple work­ing there, actu­al­ly do care what hap­pens to our chil­dren. How­ev­er, this does not change the fact that our chil­dren are being exploit­ed, most­ly for prof­it, as our chil­dren attend the nation’s schools.

Our chil­dren are being exploit­ed social­ly, eco­nom­i­cal­ly and polit­i­cal­ly. As your child goes back to school this fall, how do you know what they are learn­ing will pro­vide max­i­mum ben­e­fit to their future? How do we know that Com­mon Core is the panacea for edu­ca­tion that Oba­ma and his min­ions claim that it is? We can­not be sure, because Com­mon Core has nev­er had to prove itself with sub­stan­tial and sci­en­tif­ic research. The evi­dence sup­port­ing Com­mon Core is all anec­do­tal, at best. In fact, some of the tenets of Com­mon Core has been tried before, just under a dif­fer­ent name.

We can all rest assured after read­ing this arti­cle, the read­er will become aware that much of Com­mon Core is a sim­ply a regur­gi­ta­tion of Bloom’s Tax­on­o­my com­bined with some very clever pro­pa­gan­da inter­wo­ven into the fab­ric of every course which embraces social jus­tice, col­lec­tivism the even­tu­al dein­dus­tri­al­iza­tion of Amer­i­ca through the accep­tance of man-made cli­mate change the­o­ries and the result­ing car­bon tax­es and cap and trade poli­cies which will follow.

No teacher and no school board mem­ber was asked to con­tribute to the Com­mon Core stan­dards. Nor was any State Leg­is­la­ture involved in the cre­ation of this monstrosity.

Under this plan, every teacher will teach the same mate­r­i­al with much of the same teach­ing strate­gies as every oth­er teacher. This is the 21st Cen­tu­ry edu­ca­tion­al ver­sion of the Step­ford Wives. The Tenth Amend­ment is dead and indi­vid­ual free­dom is being stamped out.
Com­mon Core Pla­gia­rizes Bloom’s Taxonomy

Com­mon core espous­es the laud­able goal of mak­ing chil­dren think crit­i­cal­ly. In every piece I have read where the estab­lish­ment defends Com­mon Core, the com­pa­ny line states that it is impor­tant to move chil­dren away from mem­o­riza­tion learn­ing to ana­lyz­ing and cre­at­ing. I whole­heart­ed­ly agree with this goal. How­ev­er, we do not have to spend bil­lions of dol­lars to achieve this end.

In 1948, psy­chol­o­gist Ben­jamin Bloom and asso­ciates, devel­oped the six lev­els of Bloom’s Tax­on­o­my. Under the tax­on­o­my, learn­ing pro­gressed from mem­o­riza­tion to ana­lyz­ing and cre­at­ing. If that sounds famil­iar, Com­mon Core has copied Blooms tax­on­o­my almost ver­ba­tim. Sure they changed nouns to verbs and verbs to nouns, but the pro­gres­sion of learn­ing is almost iden­ti­cal. And this is what is being tout­ed as the great rev­o­lu­tion in teach­ing and learn­ing. After com­par­ing Blooms Tax­on­o­my to Com­mon Core, can there be any doubt that of the lack of authen­tic­i­ty of Com­mon Core?

Blooms Taxonomy vs. Common Core

Why would the cre­ators of Com­mon Core go back­wards and regur­gi­tate Bloom’s Tax­on­o­my? First, the tax­on­o­my is respect­ed and gave Amer­i­ca some of her best days in pub­lic edu­ca­tion. Bloom’s tax­on­o­my was suc­cess­ful because of the fact that the gov­ern­ment did not get to con­trol the con­tent or the appli­ca­tion, name­ly, the cur­ricu­lum. To do so would be appro­pri­ate­ly referred to as pro­pa­gan­da and decades ago, edu­ca­tors still had aca­d­e­m­ic free­dom. Today, aca­d­e­m­ic free­dom is dead. Google has even sug­gest­ed using robots in the class­room. After a few years on Com­mon Core, the mis­sion will have been accom­plished with human robots.

Sec­ond­ly, the social and polit­i­cal pro­pa­gan­da com­pris­ing Com­mon Core can be installed in the cur­ricu­lum of schools if a respect­ed learn­ing pro­gres­sion is uni­ver­sal­ly accept­ed. Then the sub­stance behind the the­o­ret­i­cal approach can be slipped in and the pro­pa­gan­diz­ing of the young can begin. It is decep­tion at its best! Yes, I am talk­ing about a sys­tem of edu­ca­tion where pro­pa­gan­da is a thin­ly dis­guised goal. And what if the cre­ators of Com­mon Core can man­date spe­cif­ic top­i­cal mate­r­i­al to be taught with­in the Com­mon Core, an entire gen­er­a­tion of young learn­ers can be mold­ed to the desired point of view which fits the goals of the cre­ators of this regur­gi­tat­ed edu­ca­tion­al sys­tem. Before you tell me to remove my tin foil hat, please exam­ine the evi­dence list­ed below and then hon­est­ly tell me that there is not a cause for concern.

First, let’s take a look at the his­to­ry of failed fed­er­al edu­ca­tion­al programs.
One Failed Fed­er­al Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram After Another

To under­stand where we are going, we have to first under­stand where we have been. Teach­ers have endured such edu­ca­tion­al faux pas from Goals 2000, to School to Work, to No Child Left Behind and now we are wit­ness­ing the lat­est in fad in Amer­i­can edu­ca­tion, the Com­mon Core State Stan­dards (CCSS).

Each one of the afore­men­tioned pro­grams threw bil­lions of tax­pay­er dol­lars down the toi­let, while con­tribut­ing to the dra­mat­ic decrease in stu­dent per­for­mance. For exam­ple, SAT Read­ing scores, for the high school class of 2012, reached a 40+ year low since the imple­men­ta­tion of No Child Left Behind. (NCLB).

The suc­ces­sor of NCLB, Com­mon Core, is based upon social jus­tice, arriv­ing at knowl­edge and sub­se­quent deci­sion mak­ing through a spir­it of a sovi­et-style col­lec­tivism and devel­op­ing a com­mu­nal agree­ment about the need to teach and to inte­grate into each class­room an under­ly­ing theme of sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. These goals are not just going to be taught in spe­cif­ic Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence cours­es, but these philoso­phies are to be imple­ment­ed and taught in EACH and EVERY course that a child takes dur­ing their edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ences begin­ning with pre‑K and stretch­ing to post grad­u­ate sec­ondary education.

Bill Gates the dri­ving force behind Com­mon Core

Glob­al­ist and Eugen­ics pro­po­nent, Bill Gates, is one of the Found­ing Fathers of the Com­mon Core move­ment and its copy­right hold­ers, NGA/CCSSO. Gates donat­ed about $25 mil­lion dol­lars to pro­mote his ver­sion of glob­al edu­ca­tion. Gates has made sev­er­al dona­tions to CCSSO to pro­mote Com­mon Core. In 2009, Gates made two sep­a­rate dona­tions of $9,961,842 and $3,185,750. In 2010, Gates donat­ed $743,331 and in 2011, he con­tributed $9,388,911. In 2008, Gates donat­ed $2,259,780 to the Nation­al Governor’s Asso­ci­a­tion (NGA) to devel­op and imple­ment Com­mon Core. The NGA is the con­duit into Amer­i­ca from the Unit­ed Nations UNESCO, Edu­ca­tion for All Agen­da 21 ver­sion of glob­al­ist edu­ca­tion being forced down the throats of our young people.

Gates is list­ed as a part­ner with UNESCO/UN to fund ”Edu­ca­tion For All,” which in turn was trans­ferred to the Nation­al Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion which changed the name to Com­mon Core. In a key doc­u­ment, The Dakar Frame­work for Action: Edu­ca­tion For All: Meet­ing Our Col­lec­tive Com­mit­ments’ which iden­ti­fies the goals for what became known as Com­mon Core. The doc­u­ment speaks direct­ly to the Agen­da 21 edu­ca­tion­al ideals of col­lec­tivism, social jus­tice, envi­ron­men­tal jus­tice and the espous­ing of the beliefs of the pseu­do­science known as sus­tain­able development.

Bill Gates does not care about the edu­ca­tion of your child. How­ev­er, he does care about the mon­ey that Microsoft makes at the expense of your child. And whose com­put­ers are going to be used as the school chil­dren take their Com­mon Core PARCC Assess­ment this com­ing school year? If you read the pre­ced­ing para­graphs, then you already know the answer to that question
Com­mon Core Serves the Edicts of Agen­da 21

Chap­ter 36 of Agen­da 21 Pub­lic Aware­ness and Train­ing focus­es on impress­ing upon every cit­i­zen on the plan­et, the indis­pens­able for achiev­ing sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. In plain lan­guage, Com­mon Core is going into every coun­try. The imple­men­ta­tion names of this glob­al edu­ca­tion may vary, but the under­ly­ing Agen­da 21 philoso­phies do not. Chap­ter 36 also states that the glob­al­ists plan to reori­ent world­wide edu­ca­tion toward sus­tain­able development.

In future install­ments in this series, the weak aca­d­e­m­ic stan­dards of Com­mon Core will be revealed. Reform of the nation’s stan­dard­ized objec­tives is mere­ly a smoke screen to the true intent of the pro­gram which is to covert­ly gain accep­tance for Agen­da 21 poli­cies. Sub­se­quent­ly, the Agen­da 21/UNESCO doc­u­ments clear­ly state their inten­tion to turn each stu­dent into a glob­al­ist who will accept small­er liv­ing space, resid­ing in the stack and pack cities of the future, accep­tance of dras­tic ener­gy reduc­tion and the loss of Con­sti­tu­tion­al lib­er­ties. The doc­u­ment goes on to say that “While basic edu­ca­tion pro­vides the under­pin­ning for any envi­ron­men­tal and devel­op­ment edu­ca­tion, the lat­ter needs to be incor­po­rat­ed as an essen­tial part of learn­ing. Both for­mal and non-for­mal edu­ca­tion are indis­pens­able to chang­ing people’s atti­tudes so that they have the capac­i­ty to assess and address their sus­tain­able devel­op­ment concerns…”
Edu­ca­tion­al Russ­ian Roulette

The Com­mon Core is an untest­ed, fed­er­al­ly pro­mot­ed, unfund­ed exper­i­ment. The stan­dards cre­ators (NGA/CCSSO) have not set up a mon­i­tor­ing plan to test this nation­al exper­i­ment, to see what, if any, unin­tend­ed con­se­quences the Com­mon Core will have on our chil­dren. This is a game Russ­ian Roulette being played on the socio-emo­tion­al, intel­lec­tu­al and spir­i­tu­al aspects of our children’s development.

This is only the tip of the ice­berg. If we let the teach­ing of the con­tro­ver­sial top­ic of sus­tain­abil­i­ty in each and every course, our chil­dren will not be giv­en the chance to debate the mer­its of cli­mate change the­o­ries. This will lead to the unques­tioned ush­er­ing in of car­bon tax­es and cap and trade poli­cies. This will spell eco­nom­ic doom for this coun­try as know it today through the biggest wealth trans­fer in Amer­i­can his­to­ry through cap and trade which will severe­ly cur­tail indi­vid­ual and small busi­ness ener­gy usage. Yet, the rich will be able to afford to buy their way out of restric­tions by pay­ing the penal­ties that the aver­age per­son can­not afford. Ulti­mate­ly, this will lead to neo-feu­dal­ism. If you doubt the verac­i­ty of these com­ments, let’s give Pres­i­dent Oba­ma the floor and let him tell you in his own words.

Are we real­ly naive enough to believe that Oba­ma is just mak­ing up this non­sense about imple­ment­ing cap and trade and caus­ing our util­i­ty prices to nec­es­sar­i­ly sky­rock­et which will sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er the stan­dard of liv­ing for the mid­dle class?

We can teach our kids to think crit­i­cal­ly with­out this pro­gram, we could just return to Bloom’s Tax­on­o­my because it works. How­ev­er, this approach would not offer the pre­text for the Bill Gates’ of the world to shove their MAN-MADE cli­mate change agen­da down the throats of our chil­dren and get them to acqui­esce to what is com­ing. And Gates stands to lose a lot of mon­ey if Com­mon Core is abandoned.

In anoth­er 10 years, this fed­er­al pro­gram will implode like all the oth­er fed­er­al edu­ca­tion pro­grams, but the dam­age will have been done. How many more decades can Amer­i­ca endure a drop of read­ing com­pre­hen­sion scores by anoth­er 40+ points until we are as func­tion­al­ly illit­er­ate as most third world coun­tries? And more impor­tant­ly, how far will that Amer­i­can stan­dard of liv­ing be decreased dur­ing this time as we pro­duce a gen­er­a­tion of chil­dren who will mind­less­ly accept the resources scraps of this plan­et as they attempt to sur­vive in a com­plete­ly changed world?

Is it time to home school? It is cer­tain­ly under­stand­able if many choose this option. For most, the time for mass home school­ing has not yet arrived, but we need to demand account­abil­i­ty and demand it now. Teach­ers and admin­is­tra­tors need to be involved in revamp­ing of this pro­gram. For exam­ple, when deal­ing with con­tro­ver­sial top­ics like cli­mate change, both sides of the issue need to be fair­ly pre­sent­ed. We need to halt the fund­ing of Com­mon Core imme­di­ate­ly and embrace what it is based upon, Bloom’s Tax­on­o­my. We need to embrace what we know works, not the anec­do­tal accounts of Com­mon Core sup­port­ers who stand to make bil­lions of dol­lars through the imple­men­ta­tion of this pro­gram. We also need to return edu­ca­tion to the local lev­el and empow­er local school boards to make edu­ca­tion deci­sions on cur­ricu­lum as they once did. Then and only then, can we shape a future for our chil­dren that we can trust and the exploita­tion of our chil­dren will be stopped and the undue influ­ence on our chil­dren, like Bill Gates, can be limited.