Sad news on the Northern Yellowstone elk herd.

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Cow elk attacked by wolves

Year — Elk Population
2013 2,083 with not a sin­gle calf surviving.

2012 3,915

2011 4,174

2010 4,635

2009 6,070

2008 6,279

2007 6,738

2006 6,588

2005 9,545

2004 8,335

2003-02 9,215

2001 11,969

2000 13,400 (pri­or to late sea­son elk hunt)

1999 14,538 (pri­or to late sea­son elk hunt)

1998 11,742

1997 no count taken

1996 no count taken

1995 16,791 (when wolf rein­tro­duc­tion began)

1994 19,045 (year before wolf reintroduction)