Agenda 21 On the March in Los Angeles County

The idea behind Agen­da 21 is to force cit­i­zens to live, work and play where gov­ern­ment wants not where the peo­ple want.  Gov­ern­ment, under the Agen­da 21 pro­gram is mov­ing toward giv­ing incen­tives to build apart­ments and com­mer­cial prop­er­ties near gov­ern­ment trans­porta­tion sys­tems.  On the oth­er hand gov­ern­ment is cre­at­ing dis­in­cen­tives for those want­i­ng to […]

Florida Counties Withdraw from Seven50 Regional Plan

Three Coun­ties in Flori­da have with­drawn from the sev­en-coun­ty region­al plan called the “Seven50 Plan” — read here. Watch Rosa Koire Stop Seven50 Ral­ly video here.

St. Lucie County, Florida Withdraws from Seven50 Plan

FROM WATCHDOG WIRE — FLORIDA Grassroots turning the tide on regionalism Watch the Novem­ber 7, 2013 meet­ing of the St. Lucie Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion that cul­mi­nates with the Com­mis­sion vot­ing 4–1 to with­draw from the region­al Seven50 Plan. The fol­low­ing email was received by WDW – FL from the Amer­i­can Coali­tion 4 Prop­er­ty Rights Task […]

The Most Corrupt County In America

When ful­ly imple­ment­ed, ICLEI reg­u­la­tions will severe­ly lim­it access to elec­tric­i­ty and trans­porta­tion, deny the com­mon cit­i­zen­ry non­in­va­sive access to beau­ti­ful wilder­ness areas, destroy pri­vate busi­ness, impose unsus­tain­able tax rates, will arbi­trar­i­ly seize pri­vate prop­er­ty for per­son­al gain, will pro­mote cor­rup­tion at the high­est lev­els of indus­try and gov­ern­ment, have endorsed and imple­ment­ed extreme pop­u­la­tion […]

Company Admits New ‘Smart’ Street Lights Can Analyze Voices, Track People

To aid Homeland Security in “protecting its citizens” The com­pa­ny behind a new ‘smart’ street light­ing sys­tem which is being rolled out in major cities like Las Vegas admits that the tech­nol­o­gy has the capa­bil­i­ty of ana­lyz­ing voic­es and track­ing peo­ple, fea­tures that will aid the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty in “pro­tect­ing its citizens.” Intel­listreets […]

Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick Moore Tells U.S. Senate There Is “No Proof” Humans Cause Climate Change

Green­peace co-founder Patrick Moore has angered envi­ron­men­tal­ist groups after say­ing cli­mate change is “not caused by humans” and there is “no sci­en­tif­ic proof” to back glob­al warm­ing alarmism. The Cana­di­an ecol­o­gist told US law­mak­ers there is “lit­tle cor­re­la­tion” to sup­port a “direct causal rela­tion­ship” between CO2 emis­sions and ris­ing glob­al temperatures. “There is no sci­en­tif­ic […]