The so-called reforms of our system of education and the redesign of our schools to build an integrated school-workforce development system with a cradle-to-grave tracking system for national ‘human resource management’ began in 1965 with Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. But that was just the beginning of nationalization of the administration of the schools. The changes to the mission of the education system actually goes back to the turn of the prior century.
In 1985 William Brock was the U.S. Trade Representative. He initiated the Uruguay Round of trade talks which culminated in the creation of the World Trade Organization with the senate ratification of the Marrakesh Agreement in 1994. The WTO rules call for the free movement of goods and services across borders. A “service” boils down to be a person or a job so in effect, the U.S. Senate voted to dissolve our borders for commerce – the free movement of goods and “services” across borders and to put us under a global regulatory system managed by international organizations – effectively transferring economic sovereignty over to them.
How this relates to the redesign of the education system is that after leaving the U.S.T.R. position, Brock was appointed to be the Secretary of Labor where he commissioned the Hudson Institute to study the impact on our domestic businesses and domestic labor force of globalizing our economy. Workforce 2000, Work and Workers for the 21st Century1 was the title of the report the Institute produced. It was published in June of 1987. He then left government service to start his own consulting company where he worked with the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) to produce reports that provided the justification for a new education system. The first report they published as the Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce was America’s Choice: High Skills or Low Wages2 (1990) – promoting the idea that reform was needed because the American school system was based on Taylorism and we needed a higher quality program to “compete” globally. Since the implementation of the redesigned system is vocational education, in effect, they were selling one idea in public while designing and ultimately building the opposite. The reason they did that was because of what was going to happen to our economy and our country under the WTO system of world trade as it was predicted in the Hudson Institute study.
When Brock left the Labor Department, Elizabeth Dole was appointed to replace him as the Secretary of Labor. Elizabeth Dole initiated a Labor Department initiative called the Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)3 which was the initiation of the project to transform our system of education into a training system for workers. This project was business-led with business leaders becoming “the customers” of the schools and the children demoted to “products” – merely factors of production in a supply chain management system for labor.
A little more history is in order to understand why the Labor Department would get involved in the education system. Around the turn of the twentieth century, a group of businessmen decided that there should be a world system of international law and unrestricted trade across borders. These businessmen ultimately formed the International Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Versailles Treaty that ended World War I included language to begin the process of building those international institutions. The result was the League of Nations. The League of Nations failed but was replaced by the United Nations in 1945.
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