State Already Goes to ‘Absurd’ Lengths

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Let­ter pub­lished in the San Jose Mer­cury News.  [They edit­ed out my ref­er­ence to the per­pe­tra­tors as “cra­dle snatchers”.] 

In response to Sen. Jer­ry Hill’s pro­pos­al to man­date that all schools have prekinder­garten, Charles Shoe­mak­er (Let­ters, Jan. 13) extrap­o­lates a sce­nario he seems to think takes the idea to the “absurd,” by sug­gest­ing that “all chil­dren be schooled at tax­pay­er expense as soon as they leave the hos­pi­tal upon delivery.”

Most peo­ple are not aware that what Shoe­mak­er sug­gests (tongue in cheek or not), is already  part of San­ta Clara Coun­ty Ear­ly Learn­ing Mas­ter Plan 2010, which is avail­able on any search engine. That plan calls for “a devel­op­men­tal con­tin­u­um of learn­ing from birth to age eight” (page 8). Else­where the plan calls for pre­na­tal vis­its to prospec­tive parents.

So plans for gov­ern­ment ear­ly learn­ing is to begin in the womb. San­ta Clara Coun­ty and the state of Cal­i­for­nia are not unique, for such mas­ter plans can be found in oth­er states as well. The state of Wash­ing­ton is cur­rent­ly adver­tis­ing  to fill the job cre­at­ed to coor­di­nate essen­tial­ly the same plan. It is a well-orches­trat­ed nation­al agenda.

Mary Thomp­son

San Jose Mer­cury News 01/18/2014, Page A11