Closing the Books on 2013: Another Year, Another Nail in the Coffin of Disastrous Global Warming

A few weeks have now passed since the end of last year, giv­ing enough time for var­i­ous data-com­pil­ing (and “data-adust­ing”) agen­cies to get their num­bers in order and to release the sad fig­ures from 2013. U.S. Annu­al Aver­age Temperature We point­ed out, back in this post in mid-Decem­ber, that there was an out­side chance—if Decem­ber were […]

Lagarde Warns of Risks to Global Economic Recovery

[Glob­al­ists Take; then they Sub­si­dize, then they Abandon.] IMF’s Lagarde warns of risks posed to global recovery from Fed tapering and eurozone deflation. DAVOS, Switzer­land (AP) — The Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund’s man­ag­ing direc­tor warned Sat­ur­day of the risks posed to glob­al eco­nom­ic recov­ery from the reduc­tion of the U.S. Fed­er­al Reserve’s mon­e­tary stim­u­lus and falling […]

State Already Goes to ‘Absurd’ Lengths

Let­ter pub­lished in the San Jose Mer­cury News.  [They edit­ed out my ref­er­ence to the per­pe­tra­tors as “cra­dle snatchers”.]  In response to Sen. Jer­ry Hill’s pro­pos­al to man­date that all schools have prekinder­garten, Charles Shoe­mak­er (Let­ters, Jan. 13) extrap­o­lates a sce­nario he seems to think takes the idea to the “absurd,” by sug­gest­ing that “all […]