Charter Schools

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytChar­ter schools are nec­es­sary for Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion’s imple­men­ta­tion of its 1934 plan to change our cap­i­tal­ist eco­nom­ic sys­tem to a planned economy.

Please read all my arti­cles on char­ter schools at and go to the trail­er for “Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin through Edu­ca­tion,” which cov­ers the first con­fer­ence of same title in which Sam Blu­men­feld par­tic­i­pat­ed, for update on char­ter schools, their tax fund­ing and not hav­ing  elect­ed school boards. Tax­a­tion with­out representation.

The char­ter school con­cept is NOT new.  It orig­i­nal­ly came out of the school choice move­ment which was called for by the Cham­ber of Com­merce in 1945.  Cham­ber also sup­port­ed the UN.  The Aspen Insti­tute in 1976  called for vouch­ers and for site-based man­age­ment (pre­cur­sor of char­ter schools).  Char­ter schools are inter­na­tion­al and very impor­tant in Rus­sia, where they are referred to as “con­tract” schools.

Bill Ayers, a com­mu­nist, worked close­ly with Annen­berg Chal­lenge, which was close­ly con­nect­ed with  and fund­ed the late Theodore Siz­er’s Coali­tion of Essen­tial Schools, which cre­at­ed the first char­ter school.   The Coali­tion was one of the New Amer­i­can School Devel­op­ment Project (Pres­i­dent Bush, Sr.) mod­el schools.  Cor­po­rate/pri­vate­ly-fund­ed pub­lic edu­ca­tion!  Siz­er was as close to being a com­mu­nist as any­one I can think of.

Click on fol­low­ing links: AND AND‑2/

Char­ter schools (school choice, vouch­ers, tuition tax cred­its, etc.) came from the left and are now being embraced by the Trot­skyite  neo­con­ser­v­a­tive righ  which was giv­en a free hand  in chang­ing our free polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic sys­tem due to Pres­i­dent Rea­gan’s White House Pri­vate Sec­tor Ini­tia­tive (1982) which allowed for the merg­er of the pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tors.  (Cor­po­rate Fas­cism).  I was the liai­son with the White House for that ini­tia­tive and was opposed to that cor­po­rate fas­cist con­cept from the very begin­ning.  I was, of course, removed from my posi­tion as liai­son when I object­ed to what Pres­i­dent Rea­gan was allow­ing to take place.

Click on You Tube trail­er for “Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to  Ruin through Edu­ca­tion” 8‑dvd disc set, in which Samuel Blu­men­feld par­tic­i­pat­ed, for a 25-minute expose of what is going on under the mantra of“school choice” and espe­cial­ly char­ter schools.  This disc set will be avail­able at in ear­ly Decem­ber, 2013, for $39.95 plus S&H.

Char­ter schools are inter­na­tion­al; referred to as “con­tract” schools in Rus­sia.  They are nec­es­sary for imple­men­ta­tion of the Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion’s agen­da spelled out clear­ly in “Con­clu­sions and Rec­om­men­da­tions for the Social Stud­ies”, 1934, which calls for using the schools to change Amer­i­ca from a cap­i­tal­ist econ­o­my to a planned social­ist econ­o­my through the schools.  That book is at my son’s web­site:  Just type “Con­clu­sions” into search engine.

I real­ly appre­ci­ate your bring­ing this con­fu­sion regard­ing school choice/charter schools to my atten­tion.  I had no idea of the extent of dis­in­for­ma­tion out there which is lead­ing good Amer­i­cans to accept any and all school choice pro­pos­als which will ulti­mate­ly give us noth­ing but a Marx­ist form of  polit­i­cal indoc­tri­na­tion and train­ing for the work­force, which has noth­ing to do with real edu­ca­tion.  Those from both polit­i­cal par­ties (Repub­li­cans and Democ­rats at the top) start­ed the ball rolling with “inno­cent” sound­ing and look­ing char­ter schools, know­ing full well what their final goal was:  Lim­it­ed Learn­ing for Life­long Labor. Of course, none of this restruc­tur­ing of Amer­i­can edu­ca­tion from aca­d­e­mics to work­force train­ing could have hap­pened had Pres­i­dent Rea­gan fol­lowed through on his promise to abol­ish the U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion and had he not signed the exten­sive agree­ments with Pres­i­dent Gor­bachev merg­ing the  US and Sovi­et edu­ca­tion sys­tems in 1985.   Rea­gan also allowed the Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion to go ahead and sign its agree­ment with the Sovi­et Acad­e­my of Sci­ence which called for joint research on devel­op­ment of com­put­er course­ware in Marx­ist crit­i­cal think­ing for ear­ly ele­men­tary school students.

You should go to an inter­view I recent­ly did with Richard Grove, Tragedy and Hope web­site, which explains exact­ly what is going on and how very seri­ous is the sit­u­a­tion, main­ly due to phoney tax-fund­ed school choice pro­pos­als.   Click on fol­low­ing link:
If link does not work, just type in You Tube Tragedy and Hope Iser­byt Grove

I hope that you will join many of us who care about the future of the USA as a free Repub­lic under the U.S. Con­sti­tu­tion and Bill of Rights by for­ward­ing this email to your lists and by pro­mot­ing the 8‑disc video set which is described in the You Tube Trailer.

This set of dvds includes 14 hours of filmed pre­sen­ta­tions from the most respect­ed edu­ca­tion and polit­i­cal researchers in the nation who are, for the most part, non-affil­i­at­ed with any polit­i­cal par­ty or polit­i­cal action group.  The set includes one disc (250 pages of writ­ten sub­mis­sions from those unable to join us and long gone, such as Mau­reen Heaton, Jo HInd­man, Don Bell, Nor­man Dodd, etc.)

As far as I know, this DVD set  is the only CALL FOR ACTION out there which includes rec­om­men­da­tions for TAKING BACK AMERICA.

Char­lotte Thom­son Iserbyt
For­mer Senior Pol­i­cy Advisor
U.S. Depart­ment of Education

To order the updat­ed abridged 2011 ver­sion  of “the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca”, it is avail­able from 3D Research at