Aussie Prime Minister: Carbon Tax is Not About the Environment

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Australia’s new­ly elect­ed prime min­is­ter pulled no punch­es when giv­ing his thoughts on the country’s car­bon tax, which he says must be abol­ished as quick­ly as possible.

Australia PM

The car­bon tax is bad for the econ­o­my and it doesn’t do any good for the envi­ron­ment,” Abbott told The Wash­ing­ton Post. “Despite a car­bon tax of $37 a ton by 2020, Australia’s domes­tic emis­sions were going up, not down. The car­bon tax was basi­cal­ly social­ism mas­querad­ing as envi­ron­men­tal­ism, and that’s why it’s going to get abolished.”

If the Labor Par­ty wants to give the peo­ple of Aus­tralia a Christ­mas present, they will vote to abol­ish the car­bon tax. It was dam­ag­ing the econ­o­my with­out help­ing the envi­ron­ment. It was a stu­pid tax. A mis­con­ceived tax,” Abbott added.

Australia’s lib­er­al Labor Par­ty received a crip­pling blow in the recent elec­tions, as Abbott’s con­ser­v­a­tive coali­tion gar­nered enough votes to cre­ate the largest rul­ing coali­tion in the coun­try since 2004. Con­ser­v­a­tives rode in on a wave of wide­spread dis­ap­proval of the pre­vi­ous government’s han­dling of the econ­o­my, includ­ing the impo­si­tion of a car­bon tax in the sum­mer of 2012.

We’ve got an over­whelm­ing major­i­ty of sci­en­tists telling us our plan­et needs to do this,” said for­mer Labor Prime Min­is­ter Julia Gillard, who imple­ment­ed the tax. ”Are you real­ly going to be the one who bets that the vast major­i­ty of them are wrong with some­thing as impor­tant as the planet’s future?”

Con­tin­ue arti­cle here: