Technocracy And The Making of China

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Sum­ma­ry: Whence came Chi­na? This arti­cle gives you a clear his­to­ry of what we saw back in 1978–79 when Tri­lat­er­al Com­mis­sion­er and Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advis­er Zbig­niew Brzezin­s­ki nor­mal­ized rela­tions with then-Com­mu­nist Chi­na. No, Chi­na did­n’t just hap­pen! It was care­ful­ly planned and orchestrated!

It was no mis­take of his­tory that Chi­na trans­formed from a Com­mu­nist dic­ta­tor­ship into a neo-author­i­tar­i­an Technocracy.


In this regard, the influ­ence of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion, its mem­bers and poli­cies on the world stage can hard­ly be quan­ti­fied. The Com­mis­sion, found­ed by David Rock­e­feller and Zbig­niew Brzezin­s­ki in 1973, drew mem­ber­ship from North Amer­i­ca, Europe and Japan. Out of approx­i­mately 300 mem­bers, only 86 were orig­i­nally from the Unit­ed States, and yet they cor­po­rately devised and pushed poli­cies that suit­ed the entire mem­ber­ship, and did so under a vir­tual cloak of invis­i­bility that lasts even into 2013.

Today, we reap the “ben­e­fits” of Tri­lat­eral manip­u­la­tion. The Euro­pean econ­o­my is trashed, Japan’s econ­o­my is still smol­dering from the mid-1990′s and the U.S. is much worse off today than in the late 1960′s. But, the polit­ical sys­tems of these coun­tries are not much bet­ter off than their economies. The fruit of decay in the Unit­ed States is painful­ly evi­dent with a frac­tured and con­tentious politic that defies rec­on­cil­i­a­tion on even the most minor issues.

My friends at Coali­tion for a Pros­perous Amer­i­ca and Econ­o­my in Cri­sis, among oth­ers, are work­ing hard to off­set messed-up trade poli­cies that put Amer­ican indus­try in the toi­let over the last 30 years. As long as we have some free­dom of speech left, orga­ni­za­tions like these are a wel­come voice, even if they are shout­ed down by the glob­al free-trade cartel.

How­ever, peo­ple need to know where and how this all start­ed, and who was respon­sible for it. Only by under­standing the gen­esis of glob­al­iza­tion can mod­ern eco­nomics, pol­i­tics and social trends be under­stood. Can any­one say, “Pin the tail on the donkey?”

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