Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

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Watch out for facil­i­ta­tor tac­tics, such as the Del­phi Tech­nique and Neu­ro Lin­guis­tic Pro­gram­ming (NLP). This arti­cle gives a good descrip­tion of NLP.

Oba­ma uses a com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nique called Neu­ro Lin­guis­tic Pro­gram­ming (NLP). The idea is that the words being used are sim­ply a vehi­cle to implant an under­ly­ing message.

For exam­ple, when he says that “the par­ents of Sandy Hook deserve a vote” on gun con­fis­ca­tion – the under­ly­ing mes­sage is that gun own­ers are aid­ing and abet­ting child killers. When he says that “all sci­en­tists agree that CO2 caused Sandy” the under­ly­ing mes­sage is that cli­mate skep­tics are plan­et killers.

I have had expe­ri­ence deal­ing with an NLP trained adver­sary, and it is sim­ple to shut their BS down. You have to argue against their mes­sage, not their words.

For exam­ple – you say “Every­one wants to pro­tect chil­dren, and your attempt to con­flate legal gun own­ers with psy­chot­ic mur­der­ers is dis­gust­ing and unac­cept­able. Sandy Hook par­ents deserve a con­struc­tive dis­cus­sion about how to pre­vent vio­lent crime, not a knee-jerk destruc­tion of the Bill of Rights”

You can also say “Hur­ri­canes, floods and droughts have plagued man since the dawn of his­to­ry. Blam­ing your polit­i­cal oppo­nents for the weath­er is the worst kind of McCarthyism.”

NLP only works on peo­ple who have been trained to polite­ly accept blame. Don’t be a vic­tim. If you respond to their mes­sage, rather than their words – the NLP aggres­sor gets con­fused and dis­ori­ent­ed because their plan failed.
