MAP-21: Congress-Obama Expand NAFTA Superhighway Trade Corridor and Toll Road System

Some have tried to con­vince the pub­lic that the Trans-Texas Cor­ri­dor and NAFTA Super­high­ways are dead, nev­er exist­ed or are even a myth. Yet, Con­gress recent­ly passed a new, two-year fed­er­al high­way bill called Mov­ing Ahead for Progress in the 21st Cen­tu­ry (MAP-21) that not only gives pri­or­i­ty fund­ing to these ‘high pri­or­i­ty’ trade cor­ri­dors, […]

New Freedom Tools in the Freedom Advocates Store

Now avail­able in the Free­dom Advo­cates Store: UNsus­tain­able Car­toons by Bar­ry Nathan (book) and Behold A Pale Horse: Amer­i­ca’s Last Chance (video). Hot Off the Press! UNsus­tain­able Car­toons by Bar­ry Nathan Brand New Car­toon Book by Bar­ry Nathan. UNsus­tain­able Car­toons is a col­lec­tion of humor­ous, inci­sive car­toons and insight­ful text relat­ed to Agen­da 21. The book lam­poons the […]

Baldwin County’s Comprehensive Plan Voted Down and All But Shouted Down

BAY MINETTE, Alaba­ma — Egged on by a large crowd invok­ing prop­er­ty rights, Unit­ed Nations Agen­da 21, the U.S. Con­sti­tu­tion and even the Com­mu­nist Man­i­festo, the Bald­win Coun­ty Com­mis­sion killed the Hori­zon 2025 com­pre­hen­sive plan today. Fol­low­ing the 3–1 vote, many in the audi­ence sang “God Bless America.” “This bat­tle is about more than just plan­ning,” […]

Baldwin County Alabama Commissioner Seeks to Rescind Horizon 2025 Plan

Hori­zon 2025: The Bald­win Coun­ty Com­pre­hen­sive Plan 2008–2025 is a 310-page doc­u­ment that was approved by the Coun­ty in 2009, and reg­u­lates human activ­i­ty includ­ing trans­porta­tion as well as the use of pri­vate, pub­lic, and com­mer­cial lands.  Hori­zon 2025 is an Agen­da 21 plan. The word­ing and details of Hori­zon 2025 are vague and it […]

Rosa Koire of Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 on Glenn Beck TV

Beck Urges More Local Action Against UN’s Agen­da 21 by Mike Opel­ka, The Blaze. Wednes­day night’s Glenn Beck Pro­gram focused con­sid­er­able time on the UN’s Agen­da 21 (AG21) and how local 9/12 groups and Tea Par­ties are suc­cess­ful­ly push­ing back against it. If you are not famil­iar with it, AG21 is the UN’s 20-year old plan […]

Appeals Court Tosses Out Hage Judgment

A fed­er­al appeals court has thrown out a $4.4 mil­lion legal judg­ment that deceased ranch­er and Sage­brush Rebel­lion icon Wayne Hage had pre­vi­ous­ly won from the fed­er­al government. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fed­er­al Cir­cuit has reversed an ear­li­er court deci­sion that ordered the U.S. For­est Ser­vice to com­pen­sate Hage for infring­ing on […]

GOP Platforms Against Agenda 21

Thank you to Jim Stack of Flori­da for keep­ing us informed on GOP res­o­lu­tions and plat­forms against Agen­da 21.  Here is a list. Here are 10 State and 12 Coun­ty GOP Plat­forms that con­tain anti Agen­da 21 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment lan­guage.  These grass­roots efforts are near­ly iden­ti­cal on the impor­tant issues of major con­cern, such as: Pre­serv­ing the U.S. Con­sti­tu­tion, […]

Local Governments that have Ended their ICLEI Membership

Here is a list of local gov­ern­ments that have end­ed their ICLEI membership:–3‑12-State-County-City-Legislation-Concerning-Agenda-21-+-ICLEI‑4.pdf ———————————————– How many mem­bers does ICLEI have worldwide? ICLEI (Inter­na­tion­al Coun­cil for Local Envi­ron­men­tal Initiatives)–Local Gov­ern­ments for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty does­n’t want you to know.  That’s why they took down the world maps they had up on their new web­site:  Why does­n’t ICLEI […]

Showdown at the Red Tape Corral

Fed­er­al land con­trols come under bright light in Tomb­stone, Ari­zona. Free­dom Advo­cates asks: When will locales and state gov­ern­ments start remind­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment that they have no author­i­ty under Arti­cle 1 Sec­tion 10 of the Con­sti­tu­tion to direct land man­age­ment prac­tices?  Read arti­cle below. —————— Opin­ion, The Wash­ing­ton Examiner In a show­down between the Oba­ma […]

Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Steals Land by Exploiting Animals and People

Humane Soci­ety of the Unit­ed States (HSUS) …I am SCREAMING at this interview…this is UNREEEEALLL and the Cal­i­for­nia ties… to Agen­da 21, pri­vate prop­er­ty take over, local politi­cians, Mau­rice Strong, and more…unreal!!! ‑Deb­bie Baci­galupi  ( Here are links to two radio shows on the Humane Soci­ety of the Unit­ed States. Week 1 with Diane Amble […]

Washington Examiner Local Editorial: Fauquier County steps over the line

Opin­ion: Local Editorial The Wash­ing­ton Examiner July 29, 2012 Farm­ers in Fauquier Coun­ty [Vir­ginia] are plan­ning to bring their pitch­forks to an Aug. 2 hear­ing before the Board of Zon­ing Appeals to protest the arbi­trary treat­ment of one of their own. On April 30, Zon­ing Admin­is­tra­tor Kim­ber­ley John­son sent Martha Bone­ta an offi­cial cease-and-desist notice for […]

Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Collecting Rainwater on His Property

( – A rur­al Ore­gon man was sen­tenced Wednes­day to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reser­voirs on his prop­er­ty to col­lect and use rainwater. Gary Har­ring­ton of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his con­vic­tion in Jack­son Coun­ty (Ore.) Cir­cuit Court on nine mis­de­meanor charges […]

Richard Rothschild Battles Local Agenda 21

Richard Roth­schild was the first coun­ty com­mis­sion­er to offi­cial­ly oppose the Unit­ed Nations’ Inter­na­tion­al Coun­cil for Local Envi­ron­men­tal Ini­tia­tives (ICLEI), also known as Local Gov­ern­ments for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty.  In fact, Mr. Roth­schild won the Novem­ber 2010 elec­tion in Car­roll Coun­ty, Mary­land based on his oppo­si­tion to ICLEI, which is the local UN Agen­da 21 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment […]

How MTC sneaked Vehicle Miles Traveled tax into One Bay Area Plan

The Con­tra Cos­ta Times edi­to­r­i­al of July 18 “Car tax idea is out of the box: Put it back!” expressed shock and out­rage about “… the cre­ative audac­i­ty of Bay Area lead­ers propos­ing a per-mile tax on dri­ving, maybe as ear­ly as next year, using — wait for it — a GPS-like tracker!” But what […]

Champagne Flows as ICLEI Demands Lower Living Standards

The Inter­na­tion­al Coun­cil for Local Envi­ron­men­tal Ini­tia­tives (ICLEI) is call­ing for eco­nom­ic “con­trac­tion” in Amer­i­ca and the rest of the devel­oped world. Their “World Con­gress” con­fer­ence in Belo Hor­i­zonte, Brazil, how­ev­er, is a lav­ish affair replete with rich food, cham­pagne and opu­lence. The bla­tant hypocrisy is stunning. Watch short video here.  

ICLEI Members Admit Bait and Switch to Boost Climate Agenda

Rio+20: ICLEI Mem­bers Admit “Bait and Switch” to Boost Cli­mate Agenda June 18, 2012 Belo Hor­i­zonte, Brazil. To advance pub­lic action on glob­al warm­ing, par­tic­i­pants attend­ing the ICLEI World Con­gress admit­ted today that they are delib­er­ate­ly employ­ing new ter­mi­nol­o­gy to mis­di­rect oppo­nents and gain accep­tance of their efforts to reduce ener­gy use and green­house gas­es. By […]

Rio +20 Tied Directly to Agenda 21

Read this 4‑page Unit­ed Nations Sys­tem Chief Exec­u­tives Board (CEB) Joint State­ment to Rio +20 (dat­ed April 17, 2012). The Rio +20 par­tic­i­pants “renew our com­mit­ment to sus­tain­able devel­op­ment” and describe their plan for get­ting “The Future We Want” (dat­ed June 19, 2012). Read this detailed review of the imple­men­ta­tion of Agen­da 21 and the Rio Prin­ci­ples […]

Feds Take Historic Water Supply of Tombstone, Arizona

Before the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment declared own­er­ship of much of Ari­zona, water appro­pri­a­tions were estab­lished to Tomb­stone, Ari­zona.  Mag­i­cal­ly the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment now lays claim, fol­low­ing a nat­ur­al dis­as­ter, to pre­vent water line repair across “fed­er­al lands.”  Free­dom Advo­cates asks:  Does the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment have the pow­er to own vast expans­es of wilder­ness any­way?  Does any­one read […]

Jim Patterson and the California Valley Solar Ranch

OPINION (San Luis Obis­po County) Fifth Dis­trict Super­vi­sor Jim Pat­ter­son has dis­trib­uted a cam­paign brochure tout­ing the fact that he “has led the effort” to approve two solar ener­gy projects and “pro­vide near­ly 400 skilled work­er posi­tions” at the Cal­i­for­nia Val­ley Solar Ranch (CVSR). Since Mr. Pat­ter­son evi­dent­ly con­sid­ers this the major achieve­ment of […]

Dam Removal will Ruin Lives and have Catastrophic Consequences

Dam Removal Would Be Catastrophic Defend Rur­al America March 23, 2012 Stephen Koshy Mr. Stephen Koshy is a hum­ble man, aged 77, who just hap­pens to love our coun­try and share our con­cerns over what is hap­pen­ing to it. He became aware of the plan to destroy four Kla­math Riv­er dams, due in part to the […]