Larimer County, Colorado Agenda 21 Advocates “Steal” Protestor’s Child

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I have been work­ing to bring jus­tice to the Sta­cy Lynne child abduc­tion case for some time now. It has become cru­sade with me but for no oth­er rea­son than I am a par­ent who would be total­ly dev­as­tat­ed if my child was stolen from my cus­tody because of my polit­i­cal activ­i­ties against the inva­sion of Agen­da 21 into my com­mu­ni­ty. This mom, with no alle­ga­tions of wrong­do­ing, has lost her son in retal­i­a­tion for fight­ing for her com­mu­ni­ty. This could hap­pen to any­one of us. Please help me spread the word and make this sto­ry go viral. The cor­rupt legal forces in Larimer Coun­ty, Col­orado are show­ing signs of buck­ling just as they were ready to keep Sta­cy from see­ing her son, per­ma­nent­ly. For what they do to one of us, they do to all of us. Thanks for help­ing and God Bless all of you.
‑Dave Hodges

Larimer Coun­ty, Col­orado Agen­da 21 Advo­cates “Steal” Pro­tes­tor’s Child
by Dave Hodges
The Com­mon Sense Show
Sep­tem­ber 28, 2012

Bad things hap­pen when Agen­da 21/ICLEI advo­cates come to your home­town. Most aware peo­ple know that the Agen­da 21 advo­cates are ded­i­cat­ed to the demise of the fam­i­ly and in Larimer Coun­ty, Col­orado, this phi­los­o­phy is being lived out. There­fore, should it be any sur­prise that when ful­ly imple­ment­ed, ICLEI reg­u­la­tions will not only severe­ly lim­it access to elec­tric­i­ty and trans­porta­tion, deny the com­mon cit­i­zen­ry non­in­va­sive access to beau­ti­ful wilder­ness areas, destroy pri­vate busi­ness, impose unsus­tain­able tax rates, will arbi­trar­i­ly seize pri­vate prop­er­ty for per­son­al gain, will pro­mote cor­rup­tion at the high­est lev­els of indus­try and gov­ern­ment, have endorsed and imple­ment­ed extreme pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion meth­ods and now ICLEI advo­cates have added child theft to their list of heinous crimes against human­i­ty which is per­pe­trat­ed against those who would dare to oppose the fas­cist, anti-human­i­ty policies.

For the past four years, Sta­cy Lynne of Larimer Coun­ty (Ft. Collins), Col­orado, through a series of pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tions, has been des­per­ate­ly alert­ing her com­mu­ni­ty to the Agen­da 21/ICLEI form of total­i­tar­i­an­ism which has been sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly invad­ing her com­mu­ni­ty for the past 17 years. Now, she finds her­self the vic­tim of polit­i­cal retal­i­a­tion in which her child has been stolen from her for dar­ing to reveal the truth.

As Sta­cy Lynne began mak­ing pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tions regard­ing the dan­gers of Agen­da 21/ICLEI, she gar­nered much pub­lic sup­port. For exam­ple, Lynne opposed the insane plan of “the green­ing” of down­town Ft. Collins, CO. in which only “eco friend­ly cars” would be per­mit­ted to park in down­town park­ing spaces. Local busi­ness­es esti­mat­ed that each park­ing spot was worth $300,000 per year. This reck­less Agenda/ICLEI pro­pos­al would have bank­rupt­ed sev­er­al local small busi­ness own­ers. How­ev­er, Lynne was suc­cess­ful in har­ness­ing com­mu­ni­ty oppo­si­tion and defeat­ed the pro­pos­al. Lynne also fought against her local government’s attempt to only employ Waste Man­age­ment, a finan­cial con­trib­u­tor to ICLEI, which would have bank­rupt­ed two local­ly owned trash busi­ness­es.  Lynne was some­what suc­cess­ful in defeat­ing this mea­sure as well.

Despite her suc­cess­es, Lynne was mak­ing very pow­er­ful ene­mies includ­ing the Col­orado “poster child” of Agen­da 21/ICLEI, Pat Stryk­er, whose busi­ness inter­ests were inter­twined with a group of Agen­da 21 engi­neers, The Bren­dle Group, as well as Waste Man­age­ment. This placed Lynne in the crosshairs of Stryker’s ICLEI allies, and they came after Lynne with a vengeance.

At this point, it is rel­e­vant to note that this is the same Pat Stryk­er who donat­ed  $50,000 for Obama’s inau­gu­ra­tion and con­tributed anoth­er $87,000 for the event. Stryk­er also donat­ed $35,800 to the Oba­ma Vic­to­ry Fund. In return, Stryker’s Abound Solar Com­pa­ny, in a sce­nario rem­i­nis­cent to the Solyn­dra solar scan­dal, in which Stryker’s Abound Solar Com­pa­ny was tout­ed by Pres­i­dent Oba­ma and sub­se­quent­ly the Depart­ment of Ener­gy doled out 400 mil­lion dol­lars to Stryker’s ener­gy love child only to have the com­pa­ny go bank­rupt only months lat­er. Stryker’s busi­ness inter­ests told the Depart­ment of Ener­gy that the donat­ed taxpayer’s mon­ey was pro­ject­ed to cre­ate 1200 per­ma­nent jobs. Yet, as ear­ly as last March, Abound Solar had already laid off 280 employ­ees. And by this past sum­mer, only months after receiv­ing a mas­sive amount of tax­pay­er mon­ey, Abound Solar filed for bank­rupt­cy. This was the type of cor­rup­tion and inep­ti­tude that Sta­cy Lynne was attempt­ing to fight against in Larimer Coun­ty, and for dar­ing to exer­cise her right First Amend­ment pro­tect­ed free speech rights, the Agen­da 21 forces of her com­mu­ni­ty turned her life upside down.

Over nine years ago, Sta­cy Lynne and Jeff Pap­pen­heim par­ent­ed Jaden. Accord­ing to Lynne, the bio­log­i­cal father chose to not play a promi­nent role in his son’s life leav­ing the respon­si­bil­i­ty for rais­ing the child to his moth­er. Then, with­out warn­ing in Jan­u­ary of 2011, the bio­log­i­cal father filed a court action which sought the sole cus­tody of Jaden.

The tri­umvi­rate con­sist­ing of for­mer Col­orado Gov­er­nor Bill Rit­ter, Judge Julie Field and Pat Stryker’s ICLEI inter­ests, sub­se­quent­ly became involved in a series of “amaz­ing coin­ci­dences”, which cul­mi­nat­ed in the neu­tral­iza­tion of Sta­cy Lynne as their main ICLEI/Agenda 21 oppo­nent in the Fort Collins area. This neu­tral­iza­tion was accom­plished by the steal­ing of Lynne’s son in one of the biggest mis­car­riages of jus­tice ever wit­nessed in a fam­i­ly court. All three par­ties are inex­tri­ca­bly tied to ICLEI/Agenda 21 inter­ests. The con­flicts of inter­ests between Rit­ter, Field, Stryk­er inter­ests, and ulti­mate­ly the 8th Dis­trict Court of Larimer Coun­ty, in this case, are numer­ous and a mat­ter of pub­lic record. Briefly, Rit­ter appoints Field to the Bench of the 8th Dis­trict Court in Jan­u­ary of 2011 which was the same month as the cus­tody action filed by Pap­pen­heim. Stryk­er began a pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ship with Field in 1987 when her law firm rep­re­sent­ed Stryk­er inter­ests. Upon leav­ing office in Jan­u­ary of 2011, and after hav­ing appoint­ed the judge who will steal Lynne’s child, Rit­ter goes to work for Stryk­er inter­ests. The new­ly appoint­ed Field sub­se­quent­ly con­ducts a Kan­ga­roo court tri­al in which Sta­cy, not accused of any wrong­do­ing, has her child award­ed to Pap­pen­heim with a 100% trans­fer of custody.

Adding insult to injury, Sta­cy Lynne and her fol­low­ers have for­mal­ly alleged that Pap­pen­heim has not allowed Sta­cy to see Jaden, as pre­scribed by the court, in vio­la­tion of the court order. Judge Field has con­sis­tent­ly refused to rule in this matter.

There are so many dis­turb­ing aspects of this case that it is hard to know where to begin.  How­ev­er, the issue relat­ed to the bla­tant con­flicts of inter­ests which have served to under­mine the integri­ty of the Larimer Coun­ty Court sys­tem seems like a pru­dent place to begin. There­fore, the doc­u­men­ta­tion used to sup­port the above­men­tioned alle­ga­tions against Rit­ter, Stryk­er and Fields, is list­ed below.

On Decem­ber 21, 2011, Stacy’s son was removed from her cus­tody by Field with­out any expla­na­tion and with­out any evi­dence pre­sent­ed which proved Lynne was guilty of neglect, abuse or any oth­er parental mis­be­hav­ior that would war­rant such an action by any court. In the tri­al, Field refused to allow Lynne to call wit­ness­es on her behalf and when the cit­i­zens in the court gasped with amaze­ment, Field cleared the court­room so this mis­car­riage of jus­tice could con­tin­ue away from the watch­ful eye of the pub­lic. Field’s cus­tody rul­ing allowed Sta­cy one super­vised vis­it, every two weeks, with Jaden at the Har­mo­ny House, locat­ed in Fort Collins, where Pat Stryker’s Bohemi­an Foun­da­tion, in a direct con­flict of inter­est, is list­ed as a finan­cial con­trib­u­tor. In order to see her child at a super­vised vis­it, Lynne must pay hun­dreds of dol­lars to vis­it her child for two hours at the Har­mo­ny House and this egre­gious con­flict of inter­est is ignored by the courts. In my days as a men­tal health coun­selor, I have seen more lenient parental rights grant­ed to con­vict­ed pedophiles!

Why would Field mis­use her judi­cial author­i­ty and judi­cial­ly abuse a woman whose only “crime” was to oppose the insid­i­ous inva­sion of her com­mu­ni­ty by ICLEI inter­ests? Sim­ple, Field is also an Agen­da 21/ICLEI advo­cate as evi­denced by her employ­ment his­to­ry in which she claims on her judi­cial appli­ca­tion that she was a spe­cial con­sul­tant to the Inter­na­tion­al Mon­e­tary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, from Jan­u­ary 2007-Decem­ber 2009. “Both are insti­tu­tions in the Unit­ed Nations sys­tem” and are behold­ing to Agen­da 21/ICLEI inter­ests. So not only was Lynne a polit­i­cal oppo­nent of Stryk­er inter­ests because of her anti-Agen­da 21/ICLEI stance, Field was also an Agen­da 21/ICLEI foe of Lynne as well. If Field had an ounce of judi­cial integri­ty, she would have recused her­self from the case. How­ev­er, it also appears that Field had her own finan­cial inter­est to pro­tect. Judge Field was serv­ing as both an Attor­ney Medi­a­tor and board mem­ber for the Cross­roads Safe­house, a refuge for neglect­ed chil­dren and bat­tered women. Accord­ing to the Cross­roads web­site, the Bren­dle Group is a major con­trib­u­tor to the their insti­tu­tion and is also con­nect­ed to Stryk­er busi­ness inter­ests. The Bren­dle Group is a self-admit­ted col­lec­tion of “Agen­da 21 engi­neers” who are a dri­ving force behind the Agen­da 21/ICLEI projects in Larimer Coun­ty and across the nation. Judge Field bad­ly needs to explain this bla­tant con­flict of interest.

Field’s con­flicts of inter­ests are not lim­it­ed to her ICLEI inter­ests; On page one of Field’s Judi­cial appli­ca­tion for the 8th Judi­cial Dis­trict, she lists her work address as 123 N. Col­lege Avenue, Suite 200, Ft. Collins, Col­orado. West Moun­tain Asset Man­age­ment, a Pat Stryk­er com­pa­ny, shows the same address on Fed­er­al Cor­po­rate Fil­ings and web­sites, for the same time peri­od. This means that the good Judge was a suit­e­m­ate of Pat Stryk­er and since Sta­cy Lynne was a polit­i­cal oppo­nent of Field’s good friend, this judge should have had the integri­ty to not pre­side over this judi­cial travesty.

Just when the con­flicts of inter­est could not get any worse, The Com­mon Sense Show staff dis­cov­ered Fields’ bla­tant dis­re­gard for the need to demon­strate judi­cial impar­tial­i­ty is fur­ther evi­denced by the fact that from July 1987 to July 1989, Julie Field worked as a lit­i­ga­tion asso­ciate with the Nut­ter, McLen­nen & Fish, a Boston law firm. The same law firm rep­re­sent­ed Stryk­er Biotech, a sub­sidiary of Stryk­er Cor­po­ra­tion, in a felony tri­al in the U.S. Dis­trict Court of Mass­a­chu­setts (Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca v. Stryk­er Biotech, LLC, et al., No. 1:09-cr-10330, D. Mass.). 

What are the odds that a long-time Stryk­er ally would become the judge of record of in the Lynne divorce action? Field was appoint­ed to the 8th Dis­trict by out­go­ing Col­orado Gov­er­nor Bill Rit­ter, effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1, 2011. When Rit­ter left the Governor’s Office, his new $300,000 posi­tion was enti­tled “Direc­tor of the Cen­ter for the New Ener­gy Econ­o­my” at Col­orado State Uni­ver­si­ty. As report­ed by State Bill Col­orado , “CSU pro­vid­ed a job descrip­tion for Ritter’s posi­tion, which is being financed for three years by foun­da­tions, includ­ing that belong­ing to med­ical-device heiress Patri­cia Stryk­er, a Fort Collins res­i­dent and a promi­nent play­er in Col­orado pol­i­tics”. The Den­ver Busi­ness Jour­nal also report­ed “Rit­ter said fund­ing for the cen­ter and his posi­tion will come from pri­vate sources: the San Fran­cis­co-based Ener­gy Foun­da­tion; the Fort Collins-based Bohemi­an Foun­da­tion found­ed in 2001 by Fort Collins heiress and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty sup­port­er Pat Stryk­er; and oth­er donors”. There­fore, Bill Rit­ter, the Gov­er­nor who appoint­ed Julie Field to a judge­ship, now works for Sta­cy Lynne’s polit­i­cal oppo­nent, Pat Stryk­er, and the pub­lic is left to believe that this is all one great big set of coincidences.

Gov­er­nor Rit­ter also had an Agen­da 21/ICLEI ax to grind against Lynne as Rit­ter is a board mem­ber with Ener­gy Foun­da­tion of San Fran­cis­co. In 2010- 2011 the Ener­gy Foun­da­tion con­tributed $600,000 to ICLEI. Read­ers can view the run­ning list of  dona­tions to ICLEI here.

It is impor­tant to men­tion, at this point, that the entire legal appa­ra­tus and polit­i­cal sys­tem in Fort Collins, Col­orado, is ful­ly vest­ed in the Agen­da 21 poli­cies of ICLEI as evi­denced by the removal of Jaden which was the first of a series of heinous and harass­ing actions per­pe­trat­ed by the offi­cials locat­ed in Fort Collins (Larimer Coun­ty), Col­orado against Sta­cy Lynne for her polit­i­cal advo­ca­cy against Agen­da 21.

Imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing the tri­al in which Jaden was removed from his mother’s cus­tody, Lynne went to a near­by Kinkos/FEDEX to type an injunc­tion against Field’s cus­tody order. Short­ly there­after, Lynne was arrest­ed by Larimer Coun­ty Sher­iffs on kid­nap­ping charges and attempt­ed crim­i­nal flight with a child even though Jaden was not in her care at the time. When the deputies were asked to pro­duce the arrest war­rant and the court order to trans­fer cus­tody of Jaden, these law enforce­ment offi­cials replied they did not have to pro­duce either doc­u­ment pri­or to arrest­ing Lynne (vio­la­tion of CRS 16–3‑02). Lynne was denied a sub­se­quent Con­tempt Hear­ing, nor was she was arrest­ed with prob­a­ble cause (vio­la­tion of CRS 16–3‑108). Yet, when Lynne appeared in court fol­low­ing her release, the Larimer Coun­ty Dis­trict Attorney’s Office stat­ed that no charges were being pre­ferred. If there ever was a case for false impris­on­ment, this is the text book case. Lynne is suing Larimer Coun­ty for these and oth­er alleged vio­la­tions against Larimer Coun­ty Sheriff’s.

Cour­tesy of the Larimer Coun­ty Sheriff’s brazen dis­re­gard for the con­sti­tu­tion­al rights of its cit­i­zens, Sta­cy Lynne has also become the vic­tim of an ille­gal wire tap of her cell phone AFTER the loss of her son to Pap­pen­heim. In addi­tion, Sta­cy Lynne dis­cov­ered a Larimer Coun­ty Sher­iffs track­ing device attached to her SUV on May 3, 2012. The device was con­firmed as a track­ing device by near­by the Weld Coun­ty Sheriff’s office as belong­ing to Larimer Coun­ty Sher­iffs. The device was sub­se­quent­ly removed by Weld Coun­ty offi­cials and returned to Larimer Coun­ty offi­cials. There is no court order which legal­ly jus­ti­fies the instal­la­tion and use of such a sur­veil­lance device on Sta­cy Lynne’s vehi­cle. This makes no sense, unless the Larimer Coun­ty Sher­iff Depart­ment is fear­ful that Lynne may have uncov­ered and will reveal even more crim­i­nal cor­rup­tion involv­ing the par­ties men­tioned in this arti­cle and that the infor­ma­tion may sub­se­quent­ly be revealed to jour­nal­ists such as myself. For the life of me, I can­not imag­ine anoth­er set of moti­va­tions which could under­lie these repeat­ed and rep­re­hen­si­ble vio­la­tions of the pub­lic trust and the peo­ple of Larimer Coun­ty need to be ask­ing questions.

In com­plet­ing this clean sweep of judi­cial abuse, Field has ordered that Lynne pay 100% of Pappenheim’s $14,000 of attor­ney fees. Lynne is not employed and does not have the mon­ey and sub­se­quent­ly faces a Con­tempt of Court action for which she will be sent to jail for 120 days if she fails to com­ply with the pay­ment order by Field. This rook­ie judge has rein­vent­ed the medieval prac­tice of putting debtors in prison. Mean­while, Sta­cy has seen her son twice in near­ly 5 months and her con­tempt actions filed with the court, relat­ed to this mat­ter have been ignored by this same judge.

On Sep­tem­ber 13, 2012, Sta­cy appeared in the kan­ga­roo court­room of Judge Julie Field where she faced the total ter­mi­na­tion of her parental rights as well as the enforce­ment of the order to pay $14,000 in legal fees. Sta­cy shared with me that she felt that it was entire­ly pos­si­ble that the she was going to be sent to jail and she also faced the pos­si­bil­i­ty of nev­er see­ing her son again. How­ev­er, the judi­cial Gods inter­vened and Judge Field was not able to act upon these two issues on this par­tic­u­lar day. Accord­ing to sev­er­al wit­ness­es, Sta­cy attempt­ed to read an open­ing state­ment and have it entered into the court record as she was attempt­ing to get on to the record the out­ra­geous judi­cial con­flicts of inter­est in this case. In a bla­tant vio­la­tion of Lynne’s due process rights, Judge Field would not per­mit Sta­cy to read her state­ment. There was an out­cry from the over­flow crowd in the court­room in which one man demand­ed that Judge Field respect Stacy’s legal right to present evi­dence on her behalf. The Judge had the pro­tes­tor removed from the court but his removal did not total­ly silence the buzz in the court­room. In a scene rem­i­nis­cent of the Key­stone Cops, the judge over­re­act­ed and pushed the emer­gency pan­ic but­ton and quick­ly depart­ed out the back­door of the court­room along with Pap­pen­heim and his attor­ney. Some wit­ness­es report­ed that the chaos that ensued was both com­i­cal and fright­en­ing. Fort Collins police were dis­patched to the scene and entered the court house with guns drawn. Not every­one saw the offi­cers with guns drawn, but every­one that I spoke with thought it was quite com­i­cal that the both the judge and local law enforce­ment over­re­act­ed to a rel­a­tive­ly benign situation.

As an inter­est­ing side note, I was told by a cou­ple of wit­ness­es, at the lat­est judi­cial fias­co, that while they were being herd­ed by local law enforce­ment into a com­mons area, they encoun­tered par­ents who, like Sta­cy Lynne, were unjust­ly hav­ing their parental right sev­ered as well. In fact, as I am dis­cov­er­ing from my inves­ti­ga­tion, that there exists suf­fi­cient evi­dence to inves­ti­gate both the entire CPS appa­ra­tus and the Larimer Coun­ty Court sys­tem for judi­cial impro­pri­ety when it comes to the removal of chil­dren from their par­ents. Some local res­i­dents sus­pect a more sin­is­ter set of moti­va­tions which under­lies why Larimer Coun­ty has such a high rate of child removals com­pared to oth­er coun­ties its size. And giv­en the actions of the Larimer Coun­ty Sheriff’s, it seems rea­son­able to inves­ti­gate this law enforce­ment agency from top to bot­tom for cor­rup­tion. It is notable that at this point in time, there is a doc­u­men­tary crew as well as a cou­ple of well-known jour­nal­ists who have expressed inter­est in var­i­ous aspects of this case. It is also notable that this is the same legal appa­ra­tus who inten­tion­al­ly framed Tim­o­thy Mas­ters for mur­der by inten­tion­al­ly tam­per­ing with evi­dence. Master’s was even­tu­al­ly freed but not until he spent almost a decade in prison for a crime he did not commit.

It should also be not­ed that one of the rea­sons that Judge Field is con­sid­er­ing a motion to ter­mi­nate Lynne’s rights to vis­i­ta­tion with Jaden is because the boy is report­ed­ly “fright­ened of his moth­er.” This begs the ques­tion, how does a boy who has seen his moth­er twice in five months, in a super­vised set­ting, in a pub­lic loca­tion, become afraid of his moth­er, a moth­er, who up until late Decem­ber of 2011, was the only cus­to­di­al par­ent that this child had ever known? A fair judge and vir­tu­ous court sys­tem would be seek­ing alter­na­tive answers to this com­mon sense ques­tion. How­ev­er, there is noth­ing fair and vir­tu­ous about the legal sys­tem in the People’s Repub­lic of Larimer County.

At the end of the day, and set­ting aside all of the cor­rup­tion asso­ci­at­ed in this case, there is a les­son for all Amer­i­cans with regard to the court-spon­sored Sta­cy Lynne child abduc­tion case. When well-mean­ing cit­i­zens stand up to the insid­i­ous forces of Agen­da 21, bad things, very bad things can hap­pen to them and to their fam­i­lies. This abuse can only exist in a vac­u­um of courage and knowl­edge. And any knowl­edge­able per­son knows that Agen­da 21 seeks to under­mine the author­i­ty of the par­ent and seeks to destroy the fam­i­ly unit. If you are read­ing these words and you are hear­ing about Agen­da 21 for the first time, you have an oblig­a­tion to human­i­ty, and for the wel­fare of your fam­i­ly, to edu­cate your­self and share what you have learned with igno­rant per­sons with­in your sphere of influence.

For Sta­cy and Jaden, this tragedy is the poster child case of the hor­ri­ble things that can hap­pen to peo­ple who dare to oppose the forces of ICLEI and Agen­da 21. It is safe to say that if Sta­cy Lynne had not suc­cess­ful­ly opposed the Agen­da 21/ICLEI forces in Larimer Coun­ty, Sta­cy would still be Jaden’s pri­ma­ry cus­to­di­al par­ent in the fall of 2012.

Amer­i­ca, you can­not let the Sta­cy Lynne case fade from the public’s atten­tion. For if this injus­tice is allowed to stand, then none of us are safe. Please help Sta­cy spread the word about this trav­es­ty of jus­tice by mak­ing this trag­ic writ­ten account go viral.

Sta­cy Lynne’s sup­port­ers have set up a legal relief fund and con­tri­bu­tions may be sent to: The Ben­e­fit of Sta­cy Lynne‑P.O. Box 1211 Arva­da, Co. 80001–1211.

“…cur­rent lifestyles and con­sump­tion pat­terns of the afflu­ent mid­dle class – involv­ing high meat intake use of fos­sil fuels, appli­ances, home and work-place air-con­di­tion­ing, and sub­ur­ban hous­ing – are not sus­tain­able. A shift is nec­es­sary which will require a vast strength­en­ing of the mul­ti­lat­er­al sys­tem, includ­ing the Unit­ed Nations…”
-Mau­rice Strong: Open­ing speech at the 1992 UN Con­fer­ence on Envi­ron­ment and Development

“The world is a dan­ger­ous place to live; not because of the peo­ple who are evil, but because of the peo­ple who don’t do any­thing about it.”
-Albert Ein­stein
