Rosa Koire of Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 on Glenn Beck TV

Beck Urges More Local Action Against UN’s Agen­da 21 by Mike Opel­ka, The Blaze. Wednes­day night’s Glenn Beck Pro­gram focused con­sid­er­able time on the UN’s Agen­da 21 (AG21) and how local 9/12 groups and Tea Par­ties are suc­cess­ful­ly push­ing back against it. If you are not famil­iar with it, AG21 is the UN’s 20-year old plan […]

Appeals Court Tosses Out Hage Judgment

A fed­er­al appeals court has thrown out a $4.4 mil­lion legal judg­ment that deceased ranch­er and Sage­brush Rebel­lion icon Wayne Hage had pre­vi­ous­ly won from the fed­er­al government. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fed­er­al Cir­cuit has reversed an ear­li­er court deci­sion that ordered the U.S. For­est Ser­vice to com­pen­sate Hage for infring­ing on […]