Washington Examiner Local Editorial: Fauquier County steps over the line

Opin­ion: Local Editorial The Wash­ing­ton Examiner July 29, 2012 Farm­ers in Fauquier Coun­ty [Vir­ginia] are plan­ning to bring their pitch­forks to an Aug. 2 hear­ing before the Board of Zon­ing Appeals to protest the arbi­trary treat­ment of one of their own. On April 30, Zon­ing Admin­is­tra­tor Kim­ber­ley John­son sent Martha Bone­ta an offi­cial cease-and-desist notice for […]

Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail for Collecting Rainwater on His Property

(CNSNews.com) – A rur­al Ore­gon man was sen­tenced Wednes­day to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reser­voirs on his prop­er­ty to col­lect and use rainwater. Gary Har­ring­ton of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his con­vic­tion in Jack­son Coun­ty (Ore.) Cir­cuit Court on nine mis­de­meanor charges […]

Richard Rothschild Battles Local Agenda 21

Richard Roth­schild was the first coun­ty com­mis­sion­er to offi­cial­ly oppose the Unit­ed Nations’ Inter­na­tion­al Coun­cil for Local Envi­ron­men­tal Ini­tia­tives (ICLEI), also known as Local Gov­ern­ments for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty.  In fact, Mr. Roth­schild won the Novem­ber 2010 elec­tion in Car­roll Coun­ty, Mary­land based on his oppo­si­tion to ICLEI, which is the local UN Agen­da 21 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment […]

How MTC sneaked Vehicle Miles Traveled tax into One Bay Area Plan

The Con­tra Cos­ta Times edi­to­r­i­al of July 18 “Car tax idea is out of the box: Put it back!” expressed shock and out­rage about “… the cre­ative audac­i­ty of Bay Area lead­ers propos­ing a per-mile tax on dri­ving, maybe as ear­ly as next year, using — wait for it — a GPS-like tracker!” But what […]